(3) responses to questions at least a paragraph each


Ibrahim Discussion Post: TEAM CHALLENGE

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Team work with a great effort to achieve one’s professional life. More over Team can be define as a small group of people

that are committed to a common purpose ,possses complementary skills agree on specific performance goals for which

the tyeam members hold themselves mutually accountable (Katzenback & Smith, 1993 )

There are types of teams these are work team , parallel team ,project team and management team each with different

characteristics. Hackman (2011) indentifined six enabling conditions for team effectiveness. The team must have

1 clear goals that will allow every team member to understand the functions and the purpose of the team.

2 Defined roles , team members are allow to understand why they are on their teams and enable an individual and team

based goal setting.

3 There should be an open and a clear communication,an effective communication is considered the most aspect of a team

building highes on effective listening. Communication contributes tremedously to the culture and the climate of any

business organization.

4 Effective decisin making ,where the the team must be in an agreement through consensus finding process.Shull, Delbecq

el at (1970 ) determined that group size influences decision making process in several ways. Example , commuication

becomes difficult as the number of team members increases and less time is available for each member to speak.

5 Value diversity, team member to recognised each member’s expertise and valuie a variety of knowledge, skills and

capabilities . Diversity longer than only one race.

6 Teams must have a trustng relationships that are strongly associated with a good team work. Teams without trust suffers

from conflict and there will be a competition between team members.

The type of team chosen was work team that is responsible in providing goods and services.It is directed by managers or

leaders who make most of the decisions about what is done,how it is done and who does it. The leader make a point to

the team to understand that the role each team member played by applying collective expertise,help in the success of

their organizational goals and objectives.

provided are success to their business organizations.


John, H. Zenger & Joseph R Folkman (2022) .The new Extraordinary Leader .Turning Good managers into Greater Leaders .

Shull, F . A .Delbececq & Cummings ,L .L (1970 ) Organizational decision making .NewYork McGraw-Hill.

QUESTION#1 : Why is persuasion considered one of the leaders/managers’ essential leadership tools when dealing with difficult stakeholders/team members? How would you manage NAYSAYERS in your project team?


Teamwork influence and impact on organizational performance involves two factors that are both internal and external and the essence of teamwork is that workloads are further reduced, broken down into pieces or subtasks for every member to take part in. Other measures of organizational productivity include espirit de corps, team trust, and rewards with recognition. Conflict is inevitable within any functional team or teams’ task force operating within their in/out groups. An ethical management approach to resolving teamwork conflict relies on the right to participate, motivate, mediate, relate to, and the right to be a participative leader for the success of teamwork interdependence.

Teams experience many important situations to learn and grow from that either work out or hurt in their favor to complete a list of shared goals. First, confusion and discomfort of being part of a team can occur when meetings routinely start later than announced or are canceled and repeatedly postponed. Second, a member or two’s agenda may not be in alignment with agreed upon goals of everyone in the team, and they may deviate away from this consensus. Members may be more outspoken and opinionated by dominating the dialogue with volume, their seniority, connections, or lack of self-awareness. Some members that are smart and referent may turn out to be quite passive-aggressive; taking a less initiative approach to assignments or sharing of information that could potentially halt the plans and expectations of project stages. A damaging reality is if the team as a whole is not dynamic enough to respond well during a crisis situation in which not enough time, money, or resources are allocated to each objectives’ deadlines. Some members tend to communicate with others in a nice and more humane way, while perceiving others that are different from them to be treated less than fair, kindly and courteously. Some members work quickly and move on just as efficiently to the next steps, in comparison to members who complete tasks methodically, slowly and carefully, potentially causing conflict to arise between self-starters and the members who need more guidance, time and direction. There could also be the events where differing cultural or political opinions and points of view can put a strain on the cohesion of a teams’ overall ability to work, agree, and harmonize.

It is essential for leaders and managers to have the skills to lead a team confidently and strategically through all arising conflicts actively and immediately to resolve various differing perspectives, tensions, and increase healthy conflict. The idea is to create synergetic teams from healthy conflict that bring about positive competition for all to do their best job. The end goal is to properly and efficiently serve as many customers, businesses and communities as possible by providing them with product and services that identify with their needs, expectations and value. Everyone wants to be heard and be known as a valuable contributor when functioning in a organizations’ team alliance, therefore sharing differing worldviews, airing out competing ideas or standards, and making healthy competition apart of the workplace culture are all exceptional methods for decreasing toxic relationships among team members. The ethical influence of leadership should ensure that a team and its members are fair, kind, cooperative, empathetic, communicating, trusting, honest and committed to every end goal.

QUESTION# 2 in response to Sam’s Discussion post : What happens if your senior management and project sponsors are directing you, the manager, and your project team to manage projects you know are not worth the financial, technological, competitive advantage over your competitors……..WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

Response from Professor to me & OPTIONAL FOR THE CLASS

you delivered a great post on teams. Good job. On the other hand, some of the older team members were more cautious about the proposed change since they have been with the company for many years and are more accustomed to traditional manufacturing methods. As such, they value the experience and knowledge they have gained over the years and feel that the proposed digital transformation was too radical and would disrupt the established workflow, cause job losses, and require a lot of financing.

A positive organizational culture can compensate for the inherent weaknesses of the formal structure. For example, a functional matrix can be effective if the norms and customs of the organization value teamwork and effective problem-solving. Conversely, an active matrix will likely be disastrous in a hostile culture that encourages competition and looking out only for yourself.

Alternatively, one could argue that an organization can circumvent a negative culture by creating an independent project team or a strong project matrix. Either way, the strategy is to insulate the project team from the dominant organizational culture and create a unique project subculture.

QUESTION# 3: Why must an organization’s culture be assessed before deciding what project management structure should be used to complete a project?