3 dis each one 2 file just one qoustion i need one file total 5


dis 1 The Changing Humanitarian Sector one file

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3 dis each one 2 file just one qoustion i need one file total 5
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Human rights are moral entitlements that every individual on the planet possesses by virtue of being human. These inalienable rights are necessary to protect and preserve individual humanity, in order to ensure that everyone can live a life of dignity that is worthy of a human being. Identify an international human rights organization that, by virtue of its policies, focuses on curbing or stopping human rights violations.

Based on what you learned this week, address the following requirements:

* Identify the mission of the organization

* Discuss how the organization partners with other government and non-government organizations (NGOs) to protect human rights.

* Discuss some of the challenges the organization may face when addressing human rights violations internationally.


/dis 2(2 file ) : Locate a current news article discussing a company violating provisions for health insurance instituted by Saudi Arabia’s Council of Cooperative Health Insurance. What were the violations? How were the companies sanctioned? Do you think these regulations are important enough to warrant these penalties?

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. Post your initial response early, and check back often to continue the discussion.



dis 3 ( 2file) Discuss the adoption of EHRs in the Kingdom from the perspective of improving performance, quality, and health outcomes for the Saudi population. What challenges do you identify, and how would you recommend they be overcome?