3 day fitness plan


This assignment has 3 parts.

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3 day fitness plan
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I need 3 different documents:

3-day food log (Data from 3 consecutive days in either calories and grams)
Nutrition Chart (I attached the pdf for this assignment, Fill in all the spaces on the chart in calories not in


3. Essay (1-2 pages double-spaced)

Discussed general thoughts or findings about your diet

What did you learn or discover
Also answer these questions in the essay: A) How do your macronutrient percentages (percentage of carbs, fat, and protein) compare to what is recommended for you? Be very specific with the values (provide numbers).

B) How do your total calories compare to what is recommended for you? Be very specific with the values (provide numbers).

I attached the rubric for guidance

Nutrition Assignment Rubric.pdf

Nutrition Assignment Chart.docx

Nutrition Assignment Example.docx

Macro Percentages2Download Macro Percentages2

Estimate of Total Calories