3.2 Discussion


Chapter 3 of Kuhn (1970): The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Chapter 4 of Arbnor and Bjerke (2009): Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge
Watch a few minutes of the classic debate Is God Great?(new tab)
Select an example argument you are interested in.
Feel free to watch the entire debate if you are interested, but your goal is simply to find a good example of the analytical reasoning process being used by the debaters.
Note it is not necessary for you to agree with either perspective in the debate! You are only looking for examples of analytical thinking.
By Day 5 of the workshop, prepare and submit an initial discussion posting summarizing your analysis of one of the debate’s arguments:
Briefly describe the example argument you have selected. What point was the debater trying to make?
Explain the debater’s analytical reasoning. Identify whether the debater was using deduction, induction, verification, or abduction.
What weaknesses or flaws do you see in the debater’s argument? How could their position be strengthened or improved?
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Appropriately cite the video and any other sources you use and include a reference list.
By the end of the workshop, review your classmates’ postings. Respond to at least two of your classmates by:
Evaluating their analysis of the example argument they have chosen.
Suggesting any additional flaws or weaknesses you see in the argument made by the debater. Make recommendations for how the argument could be improved.
Note it is not important whether you agree or disagree with the debater’s argument. You are scrutinizing your classmate’s analysis and contributing to their evaluation of the debater’s thought process, not taking a position on the underlying issues!
Each of your responses should be at least 150 words in length. Appropriately support your points by citing any sources you use.

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