Do not copy answer from the website, write in your own words.No late work will be accepted, and no second chance will be given.Mention your name & ID, instructor’s name, and the date of submission before uploading the file to BB.Plagiarism policy: no plagiarism is accepted in the assignments at all. The student should write the assignment in their own words. Two identical assignments will be rejected with zero grades.Citation: The students are required to use APA style of citation in their assignments.The assignment should have the COVER PAGE with New SEU logo and the details of who is submitting and to whom is it submitted. Naming the assignment file: student should use the following format for naming and uploading their assignment: Student name (Student ID) PHC273_Assignment nameAssignments should only be submitted through Blackboard only and not through email. If there is any technical issue in the BB, then it should be reported to BB support team. The screenshot of the problem and the assignment then can be sent to the instructor.The submission of assignment must be done before the scheduled deadline.Late assignments can be accepted only if the student informed the instructor before the assignment deadline is overdue of any acceptable reason of delay. Assignments with improper names and formats will be rejected.
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College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Course name:
Introduction to Mental Health
Course number:
Write an essay on “the current overview of Saudi Mental Health System
under the Vision 2030”.
Assignment task
Requirements of essay:
1. Write in four sections as mentioned below:
a. Introduction to Saudi Mental Health System
b. Latest strategies to develop mental healthcare in KSA.
c. Current achievements and standing of KSA among other
d. Future plans related to mental healthcare of Saudi
2. Do not write in more than 500 words.
You may use the following links to find your answers:
1. Overview of the Saudi National Mental Health Survey
2. Mental health research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Student Name:
Student ID:
Submission Date:
Instructor name
/ 10
Release Date: 14-Feb-2024
Due Date: 03-March-2024
Important Guidelines to answer the questions:
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College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Do not copy answer from the website, write in your own words.
No late work will be accepted, and no second chance will be given.
Mention your name & ID, instructor’s name, and the date of submission before
uploading the file to BB.
Plagiarism policy: no plagiarism is accepted in the assignments at all. The student
should write the assignment in their own words. Two identical assignments will be
rejected with zero grades.
Citation: The students are required to use APA style of citation in their assignments.
The assignment should have the COVER PAGE with New SEU logo and the details
of who is submitting and to whom is it submitted.
Naming the assignment file: student should use the following format for naming and
uploading their assignment: Student name (Student ID) PHC273_Assignment name
Assignments with improper names and formats will be rejected.
Assignments should only be submitted through Blackboard only and not through
email. If there is any technical issue in the BB, then it should be reported to BB support
team. The screenshot of the problem and the assignment then can be sent to the instructor.
The submission of assignment must be done before the scheduled deadline.
o Late assignments can be accepted only if the student informed the instructor
before the assignment deadline is overdue of any acceptable reason of delay.
Write your answers below this point:
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