2 short discussions


You’ll be writing two short discussion posts for this one.All requirements are in the files uploaded. They both will only need to be roughly 200-300 words.

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2 short discussions
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Communicating in Business
Your task is to read the statements in the form posted and rate your perception of your
communication skills.
After rating your skills, write a short response to the following questions (max 500 words)
• What are your strongest and weakest skills?
• How do you think this class will help you improve or build upon your current
communication skill set?
Essential Activities:
1. Reading Module 1 and 2 will assist you in writing this discussion forum.
2. Watching the video, “Know Your Audience and Purpose: Professional Writing” will
assist you in writing this discussion forum.
1. Please refer to the discussion forum rubric on the start here tab for this assignment.
2. to earn full points on the discussion forums, make sure to include outside sources to
support your discussion.
Module 1: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-businesscommunicationmgrs/chapter/why-itmatters-communicating-in-business/
Module 2: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-businesscommunicationmgrs/chapter/why-itmatters-writing-in-business/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDz-nq-v3IE&ab_channel=SaylorAcademy
The rating statements are in the next page →
In an increasingly interconnected world, the way we communicate has undergone a
transformation from traditional to modern methods. After reading Module 3, d iscuss the
shift from traditional to modern communication methods. Consider the following
questions while writing your initial response:
What were some common traditional communication methods that people used before the
digital era?
Are there any aspects of traditional communication that you find nostalgic or still value
How has the shift from traditional to modern communication influenced societal trends,
culture, and even activism?
In what ways has modern communication affected business practices?
Share your thoughts, experiences, and insights regarding the transition from traditional to
modern communication methods. Feel free to draw upon personal and professional
experience, cultural observations, and relevant examples to support your viewpoints.
Essential Activities:
1. Reading Module 3 will assist you in writing this discussion forum.
2. Watching the video, “The Importance of Writing in Business” will assist you in
writing this discussion forum.
1. Please refer to the discussion forum rubric on the start here tab for this
2. earn full points on the discussion forums, make sure to include outside sources to
support your discussion.
Module 3: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-businesscommunicationmgrs/chapter/why-itmatters/
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiUUQafcsqc&t=1s&ab_channel=UIWWLC

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