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Question 1 Week 6 Assignment – Kotter Change
Management Model
Watch the Kotter Change Management Model videoLinks to an external site. for help
getting started on this assignment.
Introduction My Company is Microsoft
Using your approved company, apply Kotter’s eight steps of change management to an
HR situation you have selected for change. You will address all eight of the Kotter steps,
developing an action plan for each step. Alternatively, you may submit a 4–6-page paper
instead of the video submission.
Prepare and present a video that is a maximum of 5-7 minutes or write a 4–6-page paper
in which you:
1. Ascertain how each of the steps applies to your specific organization.
2. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight
stages of change:
o Establishing a sense of urgency.
o Creating a coalition.
o Developing vision and strategy.
o Communicating the vision.
o Empowering broad-based action.
o Generating short-term wins.
o Consolidating gains and producing more change.
o Anchoring new approaches into the culture.
3. Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note:
Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your
home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library
site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Develop strategies for managing human resources changes based on a change
management model
Video: HRM560 Assignment 3 (kaltura.com)
Question 2
Week 6 Assignment 1 – Learning Activity: Developing an
Employee Training Session
Due: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:00am
Ungraded, 80 Possible Points
Completing this activity will help you prepare for the upcoming assignment in Week 9;
as practice for the assignment, you should focus on content, not formatting. Your paper
should be no more than two pages in length.
Imagine you are a new employee in an HR department. Your first task is to develop a
plan for an employee training session on stress management.

Identify specific, relevant topics that should be covered during the training
session, with justification.
Describe proven methods of tracking employee attendance and dealing with
employees who do not attend or participate in mandatory training.
Develop detailed criteria to assist in selecting a vendor to use for the stress
management training session.
Provide a well-reasoned explanation for why one of these training methods is
most effective: presentations, case studies, simulations, and discussions.
Cite one or more credible, relevant, and appropriate sources that support the
creation of a training plan.
HRM 530
Transforming HR Practices at Microsoft for the Future
One of the biggest technological companies in the world, Microsoft, competes in the
fast-paced software and technology sector (Ayers, 2020). Founded by Paul Allen and Bill
Gates in 1975, the firm has expanded to become a global powerhouse (King, 2004). Thus
employing over 181,000 people globally and having a market valuation of over $2 trillion.
This essay provides a comprehensive analysis of Microsoft, its industry, size, history, and
current HR practices. It proposes a transformation in one specific HR practice—the
performance appraisal system—backed by three valid reasons grounded in contemporary
change management theories. The essay also evaluates Microsoft’s readiness for change using
diagnostic tools like SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, and the 7s framework before
proposing two diagnostic tools tailored to the organization’s needs. It then employs one of
these diagnostic tools to assess Microsoft’s readiness for change and interprets the results,
referencing change management theories.
Microsoft: Industry, Size, and History
Microsoft’s Industry Presence
Microsoft is a stalwart of the software and technology industry, characterized by
perpetual evolution and innovation (King, 2004). The company’s core focus revolves around
the development, licensing, and support of software products, computing devices, and
services. These innovations have reshaped how individuals, businesses, and organizations
interact with technology, solidifying Microsoft’s position as a pioneer in the industry (Ayers,
Corporate Size and Global Reach
In terms of size and stature, Microsoft is unquestionably immense. As of my last
update in January 2022, Microsoft’s market capitalization surpassed $2 trillion, making it one
of the most valuable companies on a global scale. Beyond its financial might, Microsoft’s
workforce is a testament to its expansive reach. With over 181,000 employees spread
worldwide, the company operates globally, fostering a diverse and highly skilled workforce
that contributes to its continued innovation and growth (Ayers, 2020).
Exploring Microsoft’s History
The remarkable history of Microsoft began in 1975 when Bill Gates and Paul Allen
founded the business in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their goal was to develop software that
would fuel the transformation being brought about by personal computers. Microsoft and
IBM signed a historic agreement in 1980 for Microsoft to supply the operating system for the
latter’s first personal computer. This crucial collaboration resulted in the creating of MSDOS, the cornerstone of Microsoft’s subsequent successes. Microsoft expanded its product
line in the early 2000s and entered the gaming business with the Xbox system, which quickly
rose to prominence(Poulter, 1997).
In recent years, Microsoft’s commitment to innovation has been evident through
initiatives such as Windows 10, an operating system tailored for a mobile and cloud-first
world. The company has also ventured into artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
quantum computing (Poulter, 1997).
Current HR Practices at Microsoft
Microsoft’s HR practices have earned acclaim for emphasizing employee
development, diversity, and inclusion and fostering a vibrant work culture. However, even
within such a renowned organization, room for improvement exists. One critical area that
warrants attention is the performance appraisal system. Microsoft’s existing performance
appraisal system follows a rigid annual cycle of evaluations, often called the “stack ranking”
system. In this system, managers must rank their employees on a bell curve, which can foster
unhealthy competition and produce detrimental outcomes (Stone et al., 2020).
Proposed Changes to the Performance Appraisal System
Evaluating an organization’s readiness for change is a pivotal aspect of successful
organizational transformation. Among various diagnostic tools available, SWOT analysis,
PESTLE analysis, and the 7s framework emerge as indispensable instruments.
SWOT Analysis
For firms seeking to comprehend their internal Strengths and Weaknesses as well as
their external Opportunities and Threats, SWOT analysis is a vital diagnostic tool (Helms and
Nixon, 2010). For Microsoft, a technology behemoth operating in a rapidly evolving industry,
this tool can unveil crucial insights. Internally, Microsoft’s strengths include its robust
product portfolio, a vast talent pool, and a strong brand image (King, 2004). Weaknesses
might encompass areas requiring improvement, such as certain outdated technologies or
inefficient processes. Externally, opportunities could arise from emerging markets and
technological advancements, while threats may come from competitors and regulatory
changes. Analyzing these aspects equips Microsoft with a strategic lens to anticipate and
respond to change effectively (King, 2004).
7s framework
The McKinsey & Company-created 7s framework explores the inner workings of an
organization by concentrating on seven essential components: staff, shared values, strategy,
structure, skills, systems, and skills (Kaateri, 2022). Because of its wide range of products,
intricate organizational structure, and diversified workforce, Microsoft values this framework
highly. Microsoft may assess the degree to which its strategy aligns with its organizational
structure, workforce competencies, efficiency of its systems and procedures, and shared
values by analyzing these seven components. This all-encompassing strategy offers a
thorough understanding of the organization’s change readiness, allowing for focused
interventions (McCartney et al., 2021).
Defending the Choice
The SWOT analysis and the 7s framework are the best diagnostic tools for
determining Microsoft’s level of change readiness, according to an examination of the
advantages and disadvantages of these three techniques. Their thorough methodology,
suitability for Microsoft’s intricate organizational structure, and capacity to offer insightful
information for strategic decision-making are the foundation for this selection (Sehgal et al.,
2020). SWOT analysis provides a clear, comprehensive insight by capturing internal and
external influences (King, 2004). It enables Microsoft to discover possible problems and
areas in which it excels. Understanding these elements is essential for strategic planning since
Microsoft works in a turbulent business (Helms and Nixon, 2010).
Conversely, the 7s framework provides a multifaceted examination, highlighting
internal coherence inside the company (Kaateri, 2022). This approach acknowledges that
effective transformation demands not just a strategic goal but also the well-coordinated
integration of diverse organizational components. How Microsoft’s strategy, structure, and
worker capabilities interact is crucial. Furthermore, intangible elements like organizational
structure and shared values are considered by the 7s framework as crucial in creating a
favorable atmosphere for change projects (Stone et al., 2020).
Organization’s Readiness for Change
In the rapidly evolving field of technology, flexibility is essential. Comprehending
Microsoft, a multinational technological giant, and its level of change preparedness is
essential. Consequently, a SWOT analysis—a tactical instrument that evaluates Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats—offers insightful information on Microsoft’s
internal environment (Helms and Nixon, 2010). Beginning with the strengths, Microsoft’s
robust and varied technology ecosystem is one of its main strengths. The company’s essential
products are widely used worldwide, including Office productivity suites and Windows
operating systems. Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, has grown significantly,
positioning it as a leader in the cloud services industry. Also, Microsoft has its share of
weaknesses even though it has an impressive technological arsenal. Its previous struggles in
some consumer markets are one significant obstacle. Microsoft needed help capturing market
share in the mobile space, dominated by rivals such as Apple and Android. Furthermore, as
seen by Windows 8, the corporation has periodically faced opposition during product
introductions (Kaateri, 2022). Redesigning consumer-focused inventions strategically is
necessary to address these shortcomings and ensure that the goods meet changing market
Opportunities for Microsoft are closely related to developing technology. Businesses
are shifting increasingly to cloud-based solutions, demonstrating the continued great potential
of cloud computing. Applications that have the potential to revolutionize several sectors are
made possible by Microsoft’s investments in AI research and its Azure AI services (Kaateri,
2022). Microsoft may influence change by influencing the direction of technology by seizing
these chances (Stone et al., 2020). Concerning the threats, in every market in which it
competes, Microsoft confronts threats. Microsoft’s dominance in the industry is continuously
challenged by rivals such as Apple, Google, and Amazon. To overtake technological rivals
and maintain a competitive edge, mitigating these risks requires ongoing investment in
cybersecurity solutions (Helms and Nixon, 2010).
Explanation of Results
The results of the SWOT analysis provide a comprehensive overview of Microsoft’s
internal landscape and its readiness for change. Microsoft’s strengths underscore its
technological prowess and vast product offerings. These strengths are foundational for
implementing change, serving as a solid base upon which new initiatives can be built. The
weaknesses highlight areas where Microsoft must focus its change efforts, primarily in
consumer markets and product launches. By addressing these weaknesses, Microsoft can
enhance its agility and responsiveness to market demands (Sehgal et al., 2020).
The opportunities identified in the analysis signify avenues for positive change.
Embracing cloud computing and artificial intelligence aligns with industry trends, enabling
Microsoft to stay ahead of the curve. By capitalizing on these opportunities, Microsoft can
drive innovation and foster a culture of adaptability within the organization. Lastly, the
threats underscore the challenges that Microsoft must confront head-on. Intense competition
necessitates continuous innovation, ensuring Microsoft’s products remain relevant and
competitive. Simultaneously, cybersecurity challenges require robust measures to safeguard
Microsoft’s assets and customer data, necessitating a proactive approach to cybersecurity
protocols (Poulter, 1997).
In conclusion, Microsoft, a prominent worldwide technology company, has a strong
foundation for change, according to its SWOT analysis. Microsoft’s strengths offer a strong
foundation for change. Nevertheless, it draws attention to gaps in consumer markets and new
product introductions, calling for tactical adjustments. Microsoft is well-positioned for
innovation because of opportunities in cloud computing and artificial intelligence. All the
same, constant attention is required due to cybersecurity dangers and intense competitiveness.
Using its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and dangers to be mitigated, Microsoft may
make the most of its roadmap provided by this study.
Ayers, M. (2020). Quick review of Microsoft academic. Issues in Science and Technology
Librarianship, (96). https://doi.org/10.29173/istl2582
Helms, M. M., & Nixon, J. (2010). Exploring SWOT analysis–where are we now? A review
of academic research from the last decade. Journal of strategy and management, 3(3),
215-251. https://doi.org/10.1108/17554251011064837
Kaateri, M. (2022). The Process of Implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain
Management in a New Warehouse.
King, R. K. (2004). Enhancing SWOT analysis using triz and the bipolar conflict graph: a
case study on the Microsoft Corporation. Proceedings of TRIZCON2004, 6th Annual
Altshuller Institute, 25-27.
McCartney, S., Murphy, C., & Mccarthy, J. (2021). 21st century HR: a competency model
for the emerging role of HR Analysts. Personnel Review, 50(6), 1495–1513.
Poulter, A. (1997). Microsoft futures. VINE, 27(4), 64-69. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb040658
Sehgal, G., Kee, D. M. H., Low, A. R., Chin, Y. S., Woo, E. M. Y., Lee, P. F., & Almutairi,
F. (2020). Corporate social responsibility: A case study of Microsoft Corporation.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education (APJME), 3(1), 63–71.
Stone, R. J., Cox, A., & Gavin, M. (2020). Human resource management. John Wiley &
Title: Transforming HR Practices at Microsoft for the Future
Microsoft: Industry, Size, and History
• Microsoft’s Industry Presence
• Corporate Size and Global Reach
• Exploring Microsoft’s History
Current HR Practices at Microsoft
• HR Excellence: Emphasis on employee development, diversity, and inclusion.
• Challenge: Rigid “stack ranking” performance appraisal system.
Proposed Change: Introduction of change management theories.
• SWOT analysis
• 7s framework
Defending the Choice
• The most effective diagnostic instruments for assessing Microsoft’s degree of
change readiness are the SWOT analysis and the 7s framework.
Organization’s Readiness for Change
• Comprehending Microsoft, a multinational technological giant, and its
level of change preparedness is essential.
Explanation of Results
• SWOT analysis provide a comprehensive overview of Microsoft’s internal
• Microsoft, a prominent worldwide technology company, has a strong
landscape and its readiness for change.
foundation for change, according to its SWOT analysis
Microsoft HR Program Evaluation
Student name
Registration number
Unit name
Microsoft HR Program Evaluation
Current Microsoft’s Human Resource Programs, Policies, & Procedures
Microsoft has established a robust and comprehensive framework to manage its
workforce. For instance, the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion and dedication to
employee development and well-being is commendable. The company also offers many
employee benefits and support programs that contribute positively to employee satisfaction and
retention (Sehgal et al., 2020). Lastly, Microsoft’s emphasis on continuous learning and skill
development aligns well with the dynamic nature of the tech industry (Sehgal et al., 2020).
However, there is room for improvement in the agility of the HR policies and procedures since
HR programs need to adapt swiftly to address emerging trends and challenges. Therefore,
Microsoft could enhance responsiveness by streamlining approval processes and fostering a
more agile approach to HR policy updates.
Changes that Require Improvement
Despite Microsoft’s HR success, the company should consider implementing more datadriven HR strategies to help identify areas where diversity and inclusion efforts may fall short
(McCartney et al., 2021). Secondly, Microsoft should introduce a more transparent and
accessible feedback mechanism for employees to voice their concerns regarding HR programs
and initiatives. This could enhance employee engagement and satisfaction (Sehgal et al., 2020).
Thirdly, the company should regularly assess its learning and development programs as they
align with current industry trends. This approach will ensure that Microsoft remains at the
forefront of innovation and an attractive workplace for top talent in the technology sector.
Lastly, Microsoft should pay special attention to its remote work policies in the wake of
the global shift toward remote and hybrid work arrangements that began during the COVID-19
pandemic. Therefore, Microsoft should consider refining its remote work policies to
accommodate diverse employee needs while ensuring productivity and collaboration (Stone et
al., 2020). By addressing these aspects, Microsoft can continue to evolve and adapt to the everchanging HR practices in the tech industry and remain a leader in talent management and
McCartney, S., Murphy, C., & Mccarthy, J. (2021). 21st century HR: a competency model for
the emerging role of HR Analysts. Personnel Review, 50(6), 1495–1513.
Sehgal, G., Kee, D. M. H., Low, A. R., Chin, Y. S., Woo, E. M. Y., Lee, P. F., & Almutairi, F.
(2020). Corporate social responsibility: A case study of Microsoft Corporation. Asia
Pacific Journal of Management and Education (APJME), 3(1), 63–71.
Stone, R. J., Cox, A., & Gavin, M. (2020). Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.

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