2 question of sociology


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2 question of sociology
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You are required to answer two questions (20pts each for a total of 40 pts). Draw upon
the lecture notes and slideshows, and the readings. Your answers must be concise and
should focus on substantive issues as opposed to small details. Each answer is expected
to be approximately 2 to 3 double spaced pages long.
Answer the following questions:
1- What is the criticism known as ”Structural Exclusion”? Illustrate this criticism with the
example provided in Facial Recognition Is Accurate, if You’re a White Guy (see Nov. 1
slideshow). See: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/09/technology/facial-recognitionrace-artificial-intelligence.html
Grading: explaining what structural exclusion is 10pts; analysis of the example 10pts.
2- Applying ANT to analyze the foreseen impacts of Peak Oil as sketched in A Crude
Awakening. How do these impacts provide an illustration of the potential breakdown of
an actor-world? (the link to the doc is posted on Brightspace).
Grading: definition of key concepts 6pts; description of the current actor-world and
network 6pts; description of the potential breakdown of this actor-world 6pts; oil and
peak oil seen from an ANT perspective 2pts.
BONUS QUESTION! (1 point): How many technoscript analysts does it take to change
a lightbulb?
Writing format requirements: Altogether, your paper should be approximately 4-6 pages
long, double-spaced and paginated, with 1-inch margins, using 12 pt font.
Guidelines and further instructions: (Note: marks will be taken off if basic writing and
referencing requirements are not met)
# Answer directly and use simple, clear, precise language.
# Define (all) your concepts and any technical term introduced and used.
# Brief quotes from the course readings are allowed and must be properly cited and
# No bibliography is needed: simply provide appropriate citations and consistent
referencing (use either footnotes, endnotes, or APA style referencing).
# No external source material is needed. However, you must give complete references for
any outside source used. Wikipedia is not accepted as a source.
# Your paper should include a cover page stating your name, student number, course title
and number, the name of the professor, and the submission date.
# Although you will not be graded on grammar, spelling and punctuation, do not forget to
spell-check your paper.
Plagiarism: Since the purpose of the assignment is to assess your understanding and elicit
a response in your own words, using somebody else’s words (from books, periodicals,
newspapers, journal articles, internet sources, etc.) without proper acknowledgment of the
original source and presenting them as being one’s own original analysis,

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