12 month plan


hi first: I want you to put the 12-month plan like this pic. I shared with you the 12 month plan.

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12 month plan
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Proposed 12-Month Activity Plan:
Awareness Campaigns:
Quarterly Campaigns: Design a calendar of quarterly multimedia campaigns simultaneously
targeting different forms of violence against women. Utilize video contents, social media
hijacking and interactive online stuff as forms of online events to reach a vast audience.
Collaborative Efforts: Closely cooperate with influencers, artists or national leaders as it will
extend reach and increase power of the campaign. Make alliances with the media houses to
increase media coverage, and engage community ambassadors to carry the campaign at the
community level.
Community Workshops:
School Programs: Start an entire school outreach program consisting only of workshops to train
the students about healthy relationships, consent and bystander intervention. Create
informational materials for teachers and parents set towards extending the reach beyond the
Industry-Specific Workshops: Tailor the workshops to workplace issues, taking up the genderbased violence issues specific to the sector. Work together with corporate partners to run such
programs and make the workplace a respectful and equal.
Advocacy Events:
Policy Forums: Host semiannual policy workshops and roundtables where we could interact
with policymakers, legal community and activists on structural changes. Craft policy briefs and
position papers to significantly engage in the legislative discussions. Community Dialogues: Host
diverse variety of community dialogues, both virtual and in person alike, to ensure that
community has their voices represented and specific matters that need focus intervention are
easily recognized. Serve with the grassroots movements to make sure that entire groups of
people are included in activities and the representation is diverse.
Iv. Monitoring and Evaluation:
Feedback Mechanism: Set up a strong feedback process comprising of regular surveys, focus
groups as well as individual sessions with volunteers to assess their satisfaction and highlight
areas for improvement. Track recruitment sources and volunteer engagement metrics with the
help of data analytics.
Impact Assessment: Conduct regular impact assessments to evaluate the efficiency of trainings,
awareness programs and advocacy. Integrate both quantitative data and qualitative insights to
make tactical shifts and constant enhancements.

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