0049 Individual


Assignment Instructions: Individual Essay
Words: 1500  10%
Deadline: Week 5, Thursday 28th of March, 11:59pm (ACT)
Weight: 15%
Topic: Look up the 17 Goals identified in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set up by the United
Nations. Pick one goal that you believe is closely related to Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Your
task is to write a reflective essay that explores your personal consumption habits, examines their connection to SDG
12 and your selected SDG, and proposes strategies for making your consumption more sustainable.
Consider these questions as a guide to start thinking about this assignment:
1. How is the SDG you have chosen related to SDG 12? In addressing this point:
a. Refer to course materials, scholarly articles, and reputable sources for information on Responsible
Consumption Production and the other SDGs.
2. How are your consumption patterns across various aspects of daily life, such as food, clothing, transportation,
energy use, and waste generation related to the two SDGs? In addressing this point:
a. Consider the environmental and social impacts of your current consumption habits.
b. Provide specific examples to illustrate your consumption habits and their implications.
3. Assuming you want to support the pursuit of these SDGs, what strategy would you follow? In addressing this
a. Do not provide a generic “laundry list” of actions any one person could do. Determine a SMART goal and
an approach to achieving it that is unique to you. Consider your strengths and weaknesses, as well as the
opportunities and challenges present in your life to determine what strategy would most likely lead you
to becoming a more sustainable consumer.
b. Consider other relevant stakeholders and how they would play a role in your strategy.
Use this assignment as a chance to explore personal interests through the lens of some of the issues we’ve covered
in class. We want to see you draw connections between conceptual understandings of consumption, production,
social change, and sustainability, and the practical manifestations of this in markets and societies.
Referencing Style: APA or Harvard
a. Regardless of referencing system, keep the references neat and tidy. The point of referencing is to make it easy
for your reader to see where your ideas are being developed from, such that they can find your sources without
b. Do not reference articles you have not read.

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