ARH 131 Survey of Western Art I – Visual Analysis PowerPoint Project


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ARH 131 Survey of Western Art I – Visual Analysis PowerPoint Project
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This assignment will require students to trace the development of Greek pottery, by examining
the various techniques and qualities of naturalism that evolved over the course of approximately
four centuries, from the Geometric period through Classical. Students will create a PowerPoint
lecture that selects four (4) objects to analyze that are selected from an online collection in a
reputable art institution (e.g., Metropolitan Museum of Art, British Museum, Art Institute of
Chicago, etc).
Describe each object using the terminology established in Unit 2, and then compare each piece to
one discussed in lecture and/or the textbook. Choose one object from each of the following
periods and/or techniques: Greek Geometric period; Greek Orientalizing period; Greek blackfigure technique (Archaic period); and Greek red-figure technique (Archaic or Classical period).
Pay close attention to the stylistic features. When selecting objects to compare, try to find objects
that share more characteristics than not.
The aim of this assignment is for students to develop an eye for style and locate the subtle
differences that distinguish one technique or tendency from another. As such, organize the
PowerPoint lecture in a logical, analytical fashion (i.e., chronologically), and conclude the paper
with a slide that includes remarks about the significance of the objects — that is, how they fit into
a larger art historical framework.
An approximate guideline for how many slides to include in the body of the presentation is
fifteen to twenty (15-20). This includes slides that establish context and/or discuss technique,
slides with pictures of the objects and bulleted analysis, comparison slides, and a slide that
contains concluding remarks. At the end of the PowerPoint, be sure to include an “Image Index”
that contains information about each object and/or comparison. Examples of an Image Index are
included at the end of each PowerPoint that has been uploaded into the Blackboard units.

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