Education & Teaching Question


Hello,I hope you are doing well.I have attached the two files. 1- The file includes the requirements2- The file for the rubric. ( please, you should be looking at it after work on the assignment to check it)If there are any questions, please let me know. Do not hesitate to ask me. I hope everything is clear for you in the attached file.

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Select Theoretical Principles for the Development of Young Children
Theoretical Position Paper Rubric
Theoretical Position Paper (25 points) (ODE Pre-Kindergarten Standard 1: 1.1, 1.3,1.4,1.5, 6.2 & NAEYC Standard 1; 2; 4)
Utilize draft exchange opportunity; Use discussion prompts, insights, journaling, class discussions/presentations, and earlier research
findings to support your work. Don’t eliminate an entire set of ideas if one or two parts of that idea are not useful. Try to stay
relevant to the present (not stuck in 19th an 20th century thinking). Attempt to weave in relevant curriculum theories that may seem
surprising as a fit and/or are new to you. You will be better as a thinker than when you came in.
Does not
You will be required to write a developmental position paper describing your theory of young children, childhood, their experience/development
and the implication for young children’s learning. How do you believe that young children grow, change, and learn over time? How can we best
meet the needs of children in our rapidly changing and dynamic society? Your developmental position paper should include the following:
Part 1
(5pts) Position Statement: What is your belief for how young children learn and develop? Clearly, claim your position on “how
contemporary young children grow, change, and learn.” Provide evidence to back up your claim: you may refer to your
autobiography as a starter, but should rely most heavily on your interactions and experiences with children and our readings and
discussions and newfound understanding as a result of your work in class. Keep in mind the purpose of this course is to expand you
knowledge—this DPP is a reflection of your expanding understanding of theories of children and your ability to understand how
teaching can be informed based on what you have learned.
Meets ODE (Standard 1: Knowing and understanding the developmental needs of children ages 3-5)
Meets NAEYC (Standard 1: Child Development)
Part 2
(10 pts) Review of literature: You will be expected to utilize professional journals, books, and internet sites to delve deeply into
your beliefs and how those beliefs will situate your teaching practice. You are expected to gather 8-12 (from 2010 and above of
which 6-7 must be 2018-2023; you may use older/historical sources/citations to support your position, but those won’t count toward
your 8 minimum) appropriate citations and analyze those to support your position. Please note: at the end of every chapter in our text
are specific listings of informative web sites that provide additional biographical information on the theorists, expanded versions of
the theories, and controversies over theories—this would be an excellent starting point for your research. You may not use our
textbook as an evaluated citation. In addition, all or several of the theories of development covered from work should easily fit with
your growing philosophy of children, children’s experience/development and theories of learning. You must go beyond those
citations given in the course; however, reflections, as well as Canvas resources and book response. Please include one or more of
the current curriculum models which resonates best with your understanding of theories and why? (Montessori, Reggio Emilia,
Constructivism, Tē Whãriki, Anti-Racist curriculum, critical theories such as anti-racist curriculum, BlackCritical Theory, Black
Male studies, ethic of care, feminist, abolitionist teaching, etc.). Recognize that issues raised by cultural developmental differences,
critical theories and issues of globalization also matter here.
Select Theoretical Principles for the Development of Young Children
Theoretical Position Paper Rubric
Meets ODE (Standard 1.3 Demonstrates understanding of major developmental and learning theories as related to age three to five
child, 1.4 Can identify and discuss major early childhood curriculum models and approaches, 1.5 Recognizes the impact of
relationships on child’s early learning, including family, early attachment, language, culture, environment, and development)
Meets NAEYC (Standard 1: Child Development; Standard 4;Environments for learning; Standard 2: Family Engagement)
Part 3
Part 4
(1 pt) Create a graphic image/conceptual map/webbing that represents your theoretical connections of how young children learn
best and develop. Some will be shown to demonstrate possible ways to represent your ideas. Metaphor or imagery is also a good
way to represent this.
Part 5
Part 6
(2 pts) Theoretical connections: Relate your literature review to the theory you attempt to develop. Which previous theories seem to
particularly inform your topic? How so?
(5 pts) (credit/no credit) Reflective self-assessment of the learning experiences: Describe how this project has informed your
understanding of contemporary ECE and will impact your teaching. Meets ODE (Standard 6: Demonstrates responsibility for
growth, performance and involvement as an individual and learning community member; 6.2 Reflects on practice, articulates
philosophy and rationale for decisions and self-assess to evaluate self as a basis for professional development) Meets NAEYC
(Standard 1: Child Development; Standard 4;Environments for learning; Standard 2: Family Engagement)
(3 pts) References [APA 7th edition style] and Resources; CITED correctly
[Note: Your reference may include multi media resources, such as CDs, videotapes, web sites, etc]
Theoretical Position Paper (FOR CAEP)
You will be required to develop your own position paper describing your theory of young
children, their experiences, and their learning over time. How can we best meet the needs
of children in our rapidly changing and dynamic society? How can we best prepare
children to positively contribute to a rapidly changing and dynamic society? Your paper
should include the following:
A. Position Statement: What are your beliefs about children, their
experience/development, and their learning? Clearly, claim your position on “how
contemporary young children grow, change, and learn.” Provide some evidence to
back up your claim: you may refer to your personal autobiography (i.e. currere,
journaling, class sharing), but should rely more heavily on your interactions and
experiences with children and our readings and discussions and newfound
understanding as a result of your work in class.
B. Review of literature: You will be expected to utilize professional journals, books,
and internet sites to delve deeply into your beliefs. You are expected to gather
references and support (8-12 (from 2010 and above of which 6-7 must be 20182023; you may use older/historical sources/citations to support your position, but
those won’t count toward your 8 minimum) appropriate citations and analyze
those to support your position and synthesize support for those. Your work should
be an expanded version of the theories, or select application to your beliefs,
and/or controversies over theories (i.e. I believe x but the theory only goes to
t…and drawing from y & z I know my classroom should be a, b, c to support x).
Your abstract thinking of the materials is an excellent starting point for your final
C. Theoretical connections: Relate your literature review to the personal position/
theory you attempt to develop. Which previous theories seem to particularly
inform your topic? How so?
D. Create a graphic image/conceptual map/webbing that represents your theoretical
E. Reflective self-assessment of the learning experiences: Describe how this project
has informed your understanding of contemporary ECE and will impact your
F. References [APA 7th style] and Resources
[Note: Your reference may include multi-media resources, such as digital film,
you tube work, electronic resources, web sites, etc.]

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