Writing a research proposal


Research Title (The impact of human capital development on employees’ commitment, adaptation, and development in the organization)

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Writing a research proposal
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Independent variable (human capital)

Dependent variable

– Employee commitment

– adaptation


The study sample is human resources companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1/ Found 10 previous studies on the topic (The impact of human capital development on employees’ commitment, adaptation, and development in the organization)

Include a questionnaire to benefit from the analysis at the end of the study

2/ Submit a research plan, such as the attached file with the same organization, titles, etc

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Kingdom Saudi Arabia
King Faisal University
School Of Business
Department Of Finance
The effect of Encouragement motivation on employee performance
By applying the JAL Human Resources Company
chapter 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.0 introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
1.1 background of the study ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
1.2 problem statement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.3 research questions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.4 research objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
1.5 definition of key terms………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.6 justification of the study ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1.7 scope of the study ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
chapter 2………………………………………………..………………………………………………..……..…9
2.0 literature review……………………………………………………………………………………………….…….9
2.1 introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….……..………9
2.2 understanding employee motivation in the company……………………………………………….………..9
2.3 understanding employee performance in the company……………………………………………….…….10
2.4. motivation……………………………………………………………………………..……………….……10
2.5. job performance………………………………………………………………………………..……….…..11
2.6. job satisfaction ……………………………………………………………………………………..……….11
2.7. employee loyalty……………………………………………………………………………………………12
2.8. continuity of the employee in work…………………………………………………………………………13
2.9. research framework………………………………………………………………………………….………15
2.10. research hypotheses……………………………………………………………………….……..……..…16
The proposed research seeks to recognize the relationship between encouragement motivation and
employee performance in the Saudi context, specifically within Jal Human Resources. The study will rely on
surveys and interviews conducted with workers and supervisors to establish a deeper understanding of the links
between motivation and performance.
Furthermore, the research will explore the impacts of distinct types of motivation on employees, such as
Financial and moral compensation, rewards, and honoring.
Qualitative data will be collected through interviews and surveys, while quantitative data will be obtained
from existing literature on the subject. The research will also analyze the influence of statistical factors such as
age, gender, and work experience on the relationship between motivation and employee performance. The
findings of this research will provide insights into the nature of inspiration within the Saudi context and its effect
on employee execution.
KEY WORDS: Motivation; Job Satisfaction; employee performance; employee loyalty; Employee
Motivation is a crucial component of an organization’s success, especially in Corona virus pandemic
recently. It plays a vital role in energizing and driving employees to maximize their potential, thereby enhancing
overall performance. This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of encouragement motivation on
employee performance within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a specific focus on JAL Human Resources
Company (JHR).
JHR is an emerging single-source recruitment company, specializes in providing domestic workers and
drivers to meet the requirements of housewives and individuals. It has multiple branches throughout the country,
and offers different packages based on the hours system and the residence system.
The proposed research seeks to recognize the relationship between encouragement motivation and
employee performance in the Saudi context, specifically within JHR. Also, it includes a comprehensive literature
survey of available research on the subject, complemented by an empirical study (Thogori, & Gathenya, 2014).
The study will rely on surveys and interviews conducted with workers and supervisors to establish a deeper
understanding of the links between motivation and performance. Furthermore, the research will explore the
impacts of distinct types of motivation on employees, such as Financial and moral compensation, rewards, and
To ensure a comprehensive analysis, the research design will incorporate a grounded hypothesis approach
utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data will be collected through interviews and surveys,
while quantitative data will be obtained from existing literature on the subject. The research will also analyze the
influence of statistical factors such as age, gender, and work experience on the relationship between motivation
and employee performance. The findings of this research will provide insights into the nature of inspiration within
the Saudi context and its effect on employee execution.
The research will examine various variables that affect encouragement motivation and performance
within the company. It will investigate the social, financial, and innovative impacts on employee motivation and
execution (Uddin, Luva, & Hossian, 2013). Additionally, the study will explore the effect of organizational
structures and practices, including the utilization of rewards and recognition, on employee inspiration and
performance. The role of authority in motivating and managing employees, as well as the contribution of HR in
fostering employee engagement, will also be considered. Furthermore, the research will analyze the influence of
the current financial climate and the changing nature of work on employee motivation and execution.
This research draws on existing literature and experimental data to comprehensively understand the
factors influencing motivation and performance in the company. The inquiry will consider theoretical frameworks
and models of inspiration and execution, such as Herzberg’s two-factor model, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and
Vroom’s expectancy theory (Damneh, Peykani, & Fatemeh, 2016). It will analyze the historical, financial, and
cultural contexts in which Saudi Arabian organizations operate, and how these contexts have shaped the current
understanding of motivation and performance in the region. Additionally, case studies and surveys will be utilized
to examine the current practices of organizations, including JHR, in terms of employee inspiration and
The research proposal will adhere to the ethical guidelines of the university. All participants will be fully
informed about the purpose and nature of the research before their involvement. They will also be aware of their
rights as participants, including the right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. Confidentiality
of the collected data will be ensured, and all research materials will be securely stored and used solely for research
purposes. No individual or sensitive information about the participants will be shared without their explicit
consent. The research results will be analyzed and interpreted ethically and reliably. Statistical tests will be
employed to determine the significance of the findings and ensure the accuracy of any conclusions. Moreover,
the results will undergo cross-checking and independent verification to guarantee their precision. Any findings
that may have potential harm will be reported to the participants and relevant authorities.
This research proposal provides a comprehensive and detailed outline of the research questions,
methodologies, and expected research outcomes. It serves as a roadmap for the research, outlining the objectives
and the necessary steps.
Motivation is vital for an organization’s success because it encourages and drives employees to form the
foremost of their potential. In JHR, the significance of motivation is even more articulated due to the profoundly
competitive nature of the business environment. Motivation is seen as a key figure in workers’ performance
because it energizes them to work harder and be more beneficial. For this reason, it is fundamental for
organizations to get the effect of inspiration on employee execution.
The literature on motivation and performance is broad, with different studies centering on diverse
viewpoints of the relationship. Studies have investigated the impact of extrinsic and intrinsic inspiration on
employee performance, as well as the impacts of demographic factors, such as age, gender, and work experience
(Kruasom, & Ngeoywijit, 2013).
Despite this broad body of literature, there’s a need for research into the effect of motivation on employee
performance in JHR. The existing research has centered on the impacts of inspiration in other countries, with
small consideration for the company. As such, there’s a need to explore the effects of motivation on worker
execution in the company. The proposed research will center on this hole within the writing and explore the effect
of inspiration on representative performance in JHR. It’ll include a comprehensive literature review of the
accessible research on the subject and an empirical study. The study will rely upon studies and interviews with
workers and managers to better get the joins between motivation and execution.
The investigation results will supply experiences into the nature of inspiration in the Saudi setting and its
effect on representative execution. Educated by the literature and empirical data, the research will propose how
to make strides in worker inspiration and execution in the company. Furthermore, the research will consider the
implications of the findings for organizations in the locale.
The JAL Human Resources Company is a prominent organization operating within the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of motivation on employee performance specifically
within the context of JAL Human Resources Company. The study will focus on the relationship between several
types of motivation, such as such as Financial and moral compensation, rewards, and honoring.
While the literature has acknowledged several factors that can affect the relationship between motivation
and performance, there is a need to study this relationship in JAL Human Resources Company in Saudi Arabia
(Kruasom, & Ngeoywijit, 2013). The company’s organizational context, employees’ demographics, and the type
of motivation utilized are factors that may play a significant role in shaping this relationship.
Furthermore, the literature has recognized several motivations, including financial incentives, recognition,
and independence, which can be employed to enhance employee performance. However, there is a need to
investigate the specific impacts of these motivation types within the Saudi context, particularly within JAL
Human Resources Company.
To address this research gap, the proposed study will conduct a comprehensive literature review of
existing research on the subject and undertake an empirical investigation (Eaton, 2017). The research
methodology will involve surveys and interviews with a diverse sample of employees and managers to establish
the links between motivation and performance. It will also examine the effects of different motivation types, such
as Financial and moral compensation, rewards, and honoring.
The research design will adopt a grounded hypothesis approach, combining qualitative and quantitative
data. Qualitative data will be collected through interviews and surveys to gain an in-depth understanding of
employees’ work experiences and their relationship with motivation and performance. Quantitative data, obtained
from a literature survey and other relevant sources, will provide a broader perspective on the impact of various
factors on the relationship between encouragement motivation and employee performance.
The findings of this research will provide valuable insights into the nature of motivation within the Saudi
context, specifically within JAL Human Resources Company, and its influence on employee performance.
Informed by both the literature and empirical data, the study will make practical recommendations to enhance
employee motivation and performance in the organization (Masood, Ahmad, Arif, & Mital, 2008). Additionally,
the implications of the findings will be considered for other organizations operating in the region.
Is there a statistically significant relationship between motivation and employee satisfaction?
Is there a statistically significant relationship between motivation and employee performance?
Is there a statistically significant relationship between motivation and employee loyalty?
Is there a statistically significant relationship between motivation and work continuity?
To examine the effect of motivation, employee satisfaction, employee performance, and employee loyalty on job
satisfaction and employee performance in JAL Human Resources Company.
Motivation refers to the inside or external variables that drive a person to act and accomplish an objective. It can
be natural (inside) or outward (external).
Job Satisfaction – This is how substance a person is with their work.
Employee performance – is defined as how well a person executes their job duties and responsibilities.
Employee loyalty – the extent to which employees are committed and involved with their organization.
Employee Performance refers to the degree to which a representative can meet the organization’s expectations.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a major player in the global economy and is domestic to a huge and
differing workforce. With its quickly developing population and economy, the Kingdom has ended up
progressively competitive, and as such, organizations need to understand the impact of inspiration on employee
execution. The literature has distinguished several variables impacting the relationship between inspiration and
execution. However, there’s a need to investigate the relationship between inspiration and performance in the
company. As such, there is a need to investigate inspiration’s effect on worker performance within the company.
The proposed research will address this gap within the literature and investigate the impact of motivation
on worker performance in the company. It’ll include a comprehensive writing audit of the accessible investigation
on the subject and an empirical study. The study will depend upon studies and interviews with workers and
supervisors to get the links between inspiration and performance.
This research is important for several reasons. Firstly, it is crucial to understand the impact of motivation
on employee performance within JAL Human Resources Company and the Saudi Arabian context. As the country
becomes increasingly competitive, organizations, including JAL Human Resources Company, must have a clear
understanding of the role motivation plays in influencing employee performance. This knowledge will enable
them to design effective strategies for motivating employees and improving their performance. Additionally, the
research will provide valuable insights into the nature of motivation within JAL Human Resources Company and
its impact on employee performance. This will allow the company to identify the most effective motivational
factors for enhancing employee performance and the strategies that should be employed (Blyton et al., 2001).
Lastly, the research will offer insights into the implications of the findings for organizations, particularly JAL
Human Resources Company, in the region. This will enable them to develop effective techniques for motivating
employees and enhancing their performance within the competitive Saudi context. In conclusion, this research
proposal aims to investigate the effect of motivation on employee performance within JAL Human Resources
Company and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The research will involve a comprehensive literature review of the
existing studies on the subject and an empirical study. The research findings will provide insights into the nature
of motivation within the Saudi context, including JAL Human Resources Company, and its influence on
employee performance. Informed by the literature and empirical data, the research will then make
recommendations on how to improve employee motivation and performance within JAL Human Resources
Company and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the research will consider the implications of the
findings for organizations in the region, providing valuable guidance for enhancing employee motivation and
This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of motivation on worker performance within JAL
Human Resources Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The performance of employees in JAL Human
Resources Company. The investigation will also explore the effects of demographic factors, such as age, gender,
and work encounter, on the relationship between motivation and worker execution. The research will include a
comprehensive writing review of the accessible inquiry on the sub-inquiry as empirical qualitative data will be
collected through interviews and overviews (Heijde, & Van Der Heijden, 2006). In contrast, quantitative
information will be collected by auditing existing writing on the subject. The research will analyze the impacts
of demographic components, such as age, gender, and work experience, on the relationship between inspiration
and worker execution.
The research results will supply insights into the nature of motivation within the Saudi context and its
effect on worker performance. Informed by the literature and empirical data, the investigation will suggest
improving employee inspiration and performance in JAL Human Resources Company (Shah, & Soomro, 2023).
Furthermore, the research will consider the suggestions of the discoveries for organizations in the locale.
Informed by the literature and empirical data, the study will propose strategies to enhance employee motivation
and performance within JAL Human Resources Company and the broader Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Furthermore, the research will consider the implications of the findings for organizations in the region, including
JAL Human Resources Company, providing valuable recommendations for improving employee motivation and
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
This literature review aims to look at worker motivation’s impact on employee performance within the
Saudi environment. To do this, a comprehensive review of the existing literature within the region will be
conducted. This review will incorporate research studies from high-impact business journals to pick up
experiences into worker motivation and its impacts on employee execution. This review will also analyze the
discoveries from the studies to decide the most vital variables that impact employee motivation in the company.
Employee motivation is the mental power inside a person that compels them to require certain activities
to realize a desired result. Motivation is the method of giving motivations or reasons for individuals to act in a
certain way and is an imperative factor in driving worker engagement and execution. Bosses utilize various
strategies to motivate their representatives, such as giving acknowledgment and rewards, advertising important
work, giving input, and creating a healthy work environment (Gim et al., 2022). Employee motivation is basic
for any organization to attain its objectives and objectives, as it helps workers to remain centered and locked in.
Employee motivation has been considered broadly within the past few decades, and analysts have found
that it is important in determining work fulfillment, job execution, and worker engagement. Research has
uncovered that diverse types of inspiration can have distinctive impacts on representatives, with intrinsic
inspiration having a more prominent effect than outward inspiration. Natural inspiration is when a person is
persuaded to do something since they discover it curiously or personally rewarding.
Various studies have illustrated that intrinsic inspiration leads to superior work execution and higher job
satisfaction, whereas extrinsic motivation leads to higher stress levels and burnout. Moreover, research has shown
that providing workers with significant work and acknowledgment and a healthy work environment can lead to
higher levels of inspiration and engagement (Damneh, Peykani, & Fatemeh, 2016). Therefore, worker inspiration
could be a basic factor in employee engagement and work execution. Bosses ought to endeavor to supply
significant work, recognition, and rewards and create a healthy work environment to guarantee that their
employees are motivated.
Employee performance is how well a person or group of representatives perform their parts and duties
inside an organization. Employee performance is an important factor in deciding the success of any organization
and is a key metric utilized to evaluate the viability of an employee. Performance is regularly evaluated by
measuring an employee’s yield, such as the number of items created, quality of work, customer fulfillment, or
speed of delivery (Damneh, Peykani, & Fatemeh, 2016). Employee performance is ordinarily assessed regularly,
with performance reviews conducted occasionally to evaluate an employee’s advance and development.
Execution surveys can be utilized as a device to identify areas for advancement and recognize zones of greatness.
In expansion, execution audits can give workers input on their execution and can be utilized to identify training
and advancement needs.
Employee performance is often linked to work fulfillment, as employees who feel acknowledged and
esteemed by their employers are more likely to perform better. Giving employees rewards and acknowledgment
for their accomplishments can aid extend work fulfillment and, thus, progress execution. Moreover, providing
employees with significant work and opportunities to create their abilities and capacities can lead to progressed
2.4. Motivation
Motivation is an important factor in organizations as it determines the company performance and the
satisfaction of both clients and workers. There are several studies that have investigated the effect of motivation
in an organization. According to the study by Paais and Pattiruhu (2020), motivation can increase employee’s
performance by about 73.5%. Therefore, the study suggests that employees should be motivated to make them
productive. In a different study, Ntoumanis et al. (2021) suggests that motivation increases self-determination
and self-confidence of an employee, which increases their productivity in an organization. This makes them feel
positive about their work, making them to work harder. Kuswati (2020) found that a decrease in employee
performance is motivated by lack of motivation in a company. This study confirms that from the perception of
interviewees, employee motivation increases their performance. In another recent research by Nguyen et al.
(2019), they found that motivation within an organization leads to sharing of knowledge by employees, leading
to an ultimate increase in their productivity. Generally, it can be found that from all these previous studies, an
increase in motivation leads to a corresponding increase in employee and company performance.
Frey (1997) conducted an empirical analysis of inspiration crowding out, which has implications for JAL’s
approach to motivation. JAL understands that while offering incentives can increase motivation, it is crucial to
carefully manage them to ensure they do not negatively affect intrinsic motivation. The company believes in
fostering a work environment where employees are intrinsically motivated to perform well, and incentives are
used strategically to complement and reinforce this intrinsic drive.
2.5. Job Performance
There are various studies that have been done on ways to improve performance of employees and that of the
company. According to research by Hendri (2019), the level of organization’s commitment to employee’s
wellbeing determines the performance that the company gets. The study suggests that the employee output
depends on their efforts, skills, and the environment that the company has put for them. Loan et al. (2020) also
emphasizes on the importance of organization’s commitment of job performance. According to the study,
companies should be committed to ensuring employees feel good by motivating them in various ways, such as
awarding those that perform exceptionally well. In a different study, Sungu et al. (2020) finds that effective
leadership also determines the job performance. Organizations with leaders that support their employees in
various ways, both emotionally and financially, perform better than those that are only profit oriented without
focusing on their workers. The study indicates that transformational leadership is better for employee motivation,
leading to higher performance. Fernández-del-Río et al. (2019) conducted a different study on factors that
determine employee performance. According to their findings, personal traits of employees are essential in
success of a company. There are some employees with low self-determination, which should be motivated further
to ensure they are productive to the company.
2.6. Job Satisfaction
A study by Basalamah and As’ad (2021) found that motivation increases employee engagement, which makes
them satisfied in their job. Motivated individuals often find the job assigned to them fulfilling, making them to
work while enjoying. In the end, they tend to invest most of their time in the job. In another study, Riyanto et al.
(2020) found that motivation at workplace leads to recognition. Most employees like to be recognized in their
work. The feeling of being appreciated where they work makes them to be satisfied in their work. Therefore, this
study suggests that most companies should ensure their employees are satisfied by appreciating them. Burić and
Moe (2020) also found in their study that employees working in a motivating environment often seek for personal
growth and development, leading to their satisfaction. The ability to work towards learning new things to make
them exceptional contributes to their satisfaction. Organizations that support professional growth of its employees
always have higher employee retention rate. In a different research, Andreas (2022) investigated the effect of
motivation on employee satisfaction. According to the findings, motivation provides a positive work environment
that have a positive impact on employee fulfillment and satisfaction. The environment is characterized by
teamwork and trust, which makes employees fulfilled.
In his study, Bishop (1987) inspected the effect of recognition and reward on employee execution. This
finding aligns with the approach of JAL Company, which recognizes the importance of recognizing and
rewarding employees for their achievements. At JAL, various rewards systems are in place, including pay
increments, recognition programs, and stock alternatives, to motivate and acknowledge employees’ contributions.
The company understands that these rewards can have a significant impact on employee performance, as well as
enhance employee morale and job satisfaction.
2.7. Employee Loyalty
Loyalty is an essential factor in every interaction, both in personal and corporate environment. Employee
loyalty refers to the level in which a worker is involved and committed to their company. Loyal workers have
low chances of speaking negative about their organizations of quitting their job to look for another employer.
Such workers are mostly enthusiastic and work harder to meet both their goals and those of their employer.
Several previous studies have explored the concept of employee loyalty including factors that contribute to it and
strategies companies can use to build and encourage employee loyalty. In research conducted in 2019 by Basheer,
Hameed, Rashid, and Nadim, the authors explore how employee engagement in an organization enhance their
loyalty. The article titled “Factors effecting employee loyalty through mediating role of employee engagement”
talks about how companies that engage their employees play a critical role in enhancing their emotional and
spiritual intelligence. The study, conducted in PROTON automotive industry in Malaysia suggests that making
flexible working arrangements leads to employee satisfaction. According to Basheer et al. (2019), having disloyal
employees increases their turnover ratio, which costs the company in the long run. Therefore, the researchers
conducted the study to determine ways to improve employee loyalty. The findings indicate that things that can
improve employee loyalty include emotional and spiritual intelligence and creating a flexible working
environment (Basheer et al., 2019). This is because these factors increase their engagement in the company
(Basheer et al., 2019). Therefore, the authors suggest that organizations should implement practices that lead to
effective employee engagement.
In a different study Dhir, Dutta, and Ghosh (2020) investigates the connection between job satisfaction
and loyalty among employees. In their research titled “Linking employee loyalty with job satisfaction using PLS–
SEM modelling,” they indicate that satisfied employees always tend to be loyal to their employers. The aim of
their research was to explore the role of individualistic factors such as supervisor support, person-organization
fit, and person-job fit in ensuring employees are satisfied. The study, conducted in an Indian context, used
questionnaire to get response from people concerning practices that determine their satisfaction in various jobs
(Dhir et al., 2020). According to research findings, supervisor support and their fitness for the job and
organization have a significant effect on their satisfaction at workplace. Besides, the study found that satisfied
employees tend to be more committed and engaged to their work. They believe in the organization’s mission and
are motivated towards achieving success. This commitment and engagement level fosters loyalty among
employees as they feel connected to the company. Besides, the study found that motivated and loyal employees
tend to be emotionally attached to the organization (Dhir et al., 2020). Such employees become advocates for
their company, speaking positively about it and recommending others. This demonstrates their loyalty to the firm
as they are willing to go beyond their job description to enhance success and growth of the company.
Another study by Khuong and Linh (2020) titled “Influence of work-related stress on employee
motivation, job satisfaction and employee loyalty in hospitality industry” investigates how employee loyalty can
be affected by stress they experience at workplace. The authors acknowledge that the hospitality industry has
several stresses since it is customer-oriented and fast-paced. Therefore, the intense customer interaction, long
hours, and demanding work environment experienced in this industry can have a negative effect on employee’s
job satisfaction, motivation, well-being, and overall loyalty. According to the research findings, work related
stress have a negative relationship with employee motivation. Chronic stress experienced in this industry leads
to lack of enthusiasm and exhaustion, which interferes with the employee’s motivation (Khuong & Linh, 2020).
The authors confirm that employees that are not motivated t