Health & Medical Question


Employment – related litigation, settlements and fines are on the rise in the U.S., causing considerable financial and reputable damage to organizations. HR professionals can help to minimize employment crisis and reduce cost by ensuring that HR practices and policies align and comply with laws and regulations. Discuss 3-4 laws that govern human resources (federal or state) in a typical health care organization. (Fair Pay Act, Equal Pay Act, Equal Employment Opportunity, OSHA, ADA, FMLA, FLSA, PDA, ADEA) Discuss one healthcare legal case involving the law of your choice and the outcome(s) of the case Analyze an example of a state or federal bill related to healthcare, showing it in action, and including one advantage or disadvantage(2-3 scholars) Group presentation should meet the following requirements: Be 10-12 slides in length Include presentation notes for each slide to support the slide content. Be formatted according to APA format A minimum of four references with associated in-text citations. Two of these sources may be from class readings, textbooks, or lectures, but two must be external and should be from peer-reviewed or quality academic or government sources, each reference must be cited at least once in the assignment.

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