CMST 100 UMGC: Project 1: Resume & Cover Letter


Constructing a Resume and Cover letter using MS Word 2019

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Apply for a job. To apply for the new job, you will need to create two items: (a) a resume and (b) a cover letter. You may use the templates t hat are built into
Word for your resume or you can create the resume from scratch. Whichever way you choose the document must look professional. The second item, the cover
letter, should be a letter to the Human Resources Director at the company you are applying to. This letter should be written in a formal style and should follow
the guidelines for a resume cover letter. Review these websites to walk you through writing a resume and cover letter.
Your resume and cover letter must follow these restrictions:
1. Each item must be no more than one page.
2. Both items must have correct spelling and grammar.
3. The job you are applying for must be real (the company does not need to be hiring, but the job you are applying for must be real ).
4. The job you are applying for must be realistic for someone of your age and experience (you may not be able to apply to be P resident of a company, but you
can apply for a lower level position). If you are presently working, you may apply for that same position.
5. The information you provide in the resume and cover letter should be real information, correct for you and the job you are applying to.
6. The resume must include the following:
a. Full name, address, and contact information (phone and email).
b. Objective or desired job statement.
c. Education.
7. The resume must include at least 2 of the following 3 categories:
a. Experience (does not have to be a job you previously had, it can be experience doing similar items or items that would help you in this job).
b. Volunteer work.
c. Awards and accomplishments.
8. The cover letter must include the following:
a. Full name, address, and contact information (phone and email) somewhere within the document.
b. Address of Human Resources or Hiring Personnel at the company you are applying to.
c. Paragraph 1 – why you are writing this letter and what job you are applying for.
d. Paragraph 2 – experiences which make you qualified for this job.
e. Paragraph 3 – information about meeting or contacting you for further information.
f. Closing remark including your signature and name.
g. Current date via “Insert date and time.”
You will be graded on including the above items and that you follow these formatting rules:
1. Use easy to read and professional font (such as Times New Roman, Arial, 12 point).
2. Appropriate document theme. No use of colors (except a link to an email address).
3. Proper indentation and alignment of text.
4. Correct use of bold, italics, and underline where necessary.
5. Use heading styles and bullets to organize your information.
Please submit the following to your Assignments Folder:
1. The completed Word file.
2. Submit a Project Reflection (see below)
Answer the following questions when you submit your assignments files.
To complete the assignment, you had to use many different things that you learned both about writing a Resume ( Content) and about using the Microsoft Word
commands and functions (Formatting).
1. (Content) What elements of a good resume did you use from the Purdue Online Writing lab?
2. (Formatting) What were some of the Microsoft Word commands and functions that you used to make your resume more organized or sophisticated? Some
examples of MS Word commands are: headings, margins, bullets/numbering -indenting, etc.
Please submit your Project Reflection as a Microsoft Word document or just copy and paste your answers in your Assignments Folder’s text box when you
submit your assignment along with the rest of the required project files.
Course Textbook:
The textbook for this course is Microsoft Word 2019 Step by Step, First Edition, Joan Lambert
POSITION DESCRIPTION (Please Read Instructions on the Back)
1. Agency Position No.
2. Reason for Submission
6. OPM Certification No.
3. Service
Washington, DC
Arlington, VA
7. Fair Labor Standards Act
8. Financial Statements Required
9. Subject to IA Action
11. Position Is
12. Sensitivity
13. Competitive Level Code
Excepted (Specify in Remarks)
SES (Gen.) SES (CR)
Pay Plan
Occupational Code
Explanation (Show any positions replaced)
Executive Personnel
Financial Disclosure
10. Position Status
Official Title of Position
15. Classified/Graded by
5. Duty Station
4. Employing Office Location
Employment and
Financial Interest
14. Agency Use
a. Office of Personnel
b. Department,
Agency or
Administrative Specialist
c. Second Level
d. First Level
e. Recommended by
Supervisor or
Initiating Office
16. Organizational Title of Position (if different from official title)
17. Name of Employee (if vacant, specify)
18. Department, Agency, or Establishment
c. Third Subdivision
Department of Homeland Security
Office of Biometric Identity Management
a. First Subdivision
d. Fourth Subdivision
Office of the Secretary
Identity Capabilities Management Division
b. Second Subdivision
e. Fifth Subdivision
Under Secretary of Management
Signature of Employee (optional)
19. Employee Review-This is an accurate description of the major
duties and responsibilities of my position.
Supervisory Certification. I certify that this is an accurate
statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position
and its organizational relationships, and that the position is
necessary to carry out Government functions for which I am
responsible. This certification is made with the knowledge that
a. T
ediate Supervisor
this information is to be used for statutory purposes relating to
appointment and payment of public funds, and that false or misleading
statements may constitute violations of such statutes or their
implementing regulations.
b. Typed Name and Title of Higher-Level Supervisor or Manager (optional)
Division Director, Identity Capabilities Management Division
Classification/Job Grading Certification. I certify that this position has been classified/graded as required by Title 5, U.S. Code,
in conformance with standards published by the U.S. Office of
Personnel Management or, if no published standards apply directly, consistently with the most applicable published standards.
Typed Name and Title of Official Taking Action
Maureen Holliday
HR Specialist (Classification)
Digitally signed by MAUREEN L HOLLIDAY
2020.05.04 10:46:40 -04’00’
23. Position Review
22. Position Classification Standards Used in Classifying/Grading Position
Information for Employees. The standards, and information on their
application, are available in the personnel office. The classification of the
position may be reviewed and corrected by the agency or the U.S. Office
of Personnel Management.
Information on classification/job grading
appeals, and complaints on exemption from FLSA, is available from the
personnel office or the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
a. Employee (optional)
b. Supervisor
c. Classifier
24. Remarks
FPL: GS-12
Linked to PDs 080227 (GS-11) and 080228 (GS-12)
25. Description of Major Duties and Responsibilities (See Attached)
NSN 7540-00-634-4265
Previous Edition Usable
OF 8 (Rev. 1-85)
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
FPM Chapter 295
Optional Form 8 (BACK) (Revised 1/85)
Instructions for Completing Optional Form 8
In order to comply with the requirements of FPM Chapter 295,
subchapter 3, and other provisions of the FPM, agencies must
complete the items marked by an asterisk. Agencies may determine
what other items are to be used.
13. Enter competitive level code for use in reduction-in-force actions.
See FPM Chapter 351.
*1. Enter position number used by the agency for control purposes.
See FPM Chapter 312, Subchapter 3.
*15. Enter classification/job grading action.
• For “Official Title of Position,” see the applicable classification
or job grading standard. For positions not covered by a
published standard, see the General Introduction to “Position
Classification Standards,” Section III, for GS positions, or FPM
Supplement 512-1, “Job Grading System for Trades and Labor
Occupations,” Part 1, Section III.
*2. Check one.
• “Redescription” means the duties and/or responsibilities of an
existing position are being changed.
• “New” means the position has not previously existed.
• “Reestablishment” means the position previously existed, but
had been cancelled.
• “Other” covers such things as change in title or occupational
series without a change in duties or responsibilities.
• The “Explanation” section should be used to show the reason if
“Other” is checked, as well as any position(s) replaced by position
number, title, pay plan, occupational code, and grade.
3. Check one.
*4. Enter geographical location by city and State (or if position is in a
foreign country, by city and country).
*5. Enter geographical location if different from that of #4.
6. To be completed by OPM when certifying positions. (See Item 15
for date of OPM certification.)
For SES and GS-16/18
positions and equivalent, show the position number used on
OPM Form 1390 (e.g., DAES0012).
*7. Check one to show whether the incumbent is exempt or
nonexempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of
the Fair Labor Standards Act. See FPM Chapter 551.
8. Check box if statement is required. See FPM Chapter 734 for
the Executive Personnel Financial Disclosure Report, SF 278.
See FPM Chapter 735, Subchapter 4, for the Employment and
Financial Interests Statement.
9. Check one to show whether Identical Additional positions are
permitted. See FPM Chapter 312, Subchapter 4. Agencies may
show the number of such positions authorized and/or established
after the “Yes” block.
10. Check one. See FPM Chapter 212 for information on the
competitive service and FPM Chapter 213 for the excepted
service. For a position in the excepted service, enter authority
for the exception, e.g., “Schedule A-213.3102(d)” for Attorney
positions excepted under Schedule A of the Civil Service
Regulations. SES (Gen) stands for a General position in the
Senior Executive Service, and SES (CR) stands for a Career
Reserved position.
11. Check one.
• A “Supervisory” position is one that meets the requirements
for a supervisory title as set forth in current OPM classification
and job-grading guidance. Agencies may designate first-level
supervisory positions by placing “1” or “1st” after “Supervisory.”
• A “Managerial” position is one that meets the requirements for
such a designation as set forth in current OPM classification
12. Check one to show whether the position is non-sensitive,
noncritical sensitive, critical sensitive, or special sensitive for
security purposes. If this is an ADP position, write the letter “C”
beside the sensitivity.
14. Agencies may use this block for any additional coding
• For “Pay Plan code, see FPM Supplement 292-1, “Personnel
Data Standards,” Book III.
• For “Occupational Code,” see the applicable standard; or,
where no standard has been published, see the “Handbook of
Occupational Groups and Series of Classes” for GS positions,
or FPM Supplement 512-1, Part 3, for trades and labor
positions. For all positions in scientific and engineering
occupations, enter the two-digit functional classification
code in parentheses immediately following the
occupational code, e.g., “GS-1310(14).”
The codes are
listed and discussed in the General Introduction to “Position
Classification Standards,” Section VI.
16. Enter the organizational, functional, or working title if it differs
from the official title.
17. Enter the name of the incumbent. If there is no incumbent, enter
*18. Enter the organizational location of the position, starting with the
name of the department or agency and working down from there.
19. If the position is occupied, have the incumbent read the attached
description of duties and responsibilities. The employee’s
signature is optional.
*20. This statement normally should be certified by the immediate
supervisor of the position. At its option, an agency may also
have a higher-level supervisor or manager certify the statement.
*21. This statement should be certified by the agency official who
makes the classification/job grading decision. Depending on
agency regulations, this official may be a personnel office
representative, or a manager or supervisor delegated
classification/job grading authority.
22. Enter the position classification/job grading standard(s) used and
the date of issuance, e.g., “Mail and File, GS-305, May 1977.”
23. Agencies are encouraged to review periodically each established
position to determine whether the position is still necessary and,
if so, whether the position description is adequate and
classification/job grading is proper. See FPM Letter 536-1 (to be
incorporated into FPM Chapter 536). This section may be used
as part of the review process. The employee’s initials are
optional. The initials by the supervisor and classifier represent
recertifications of the statements in items #20 and #21
24. This section may be used by the agency for additional coding
requirements or for any appropriate remarks.
*25. Type the description on plain bond paper and attach to the form.
The agency position number should be shown on the attachment.
See appropriate instructions for format of the description and for
any requirements for evaluation documentation, e. g.,
“Instructions for the Factor Evaluation System,” in the General
Introduction to “Position Classification Standards,” Section VII.
PD# 080226
Administrative Specialist
This position is located in the Department of Homeland Security, Management Directorate (USM),
Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM); Identity Capabilities Management Division (ICMD).
The primary purpose of the position is to provide managers with objectively based information for
making decisions on the administrative and programmatic aspects of agency operations and
management. The mission of ICMD is to set the conditions for enhancement or development of
Identity Services capabilities to enable departmental mission sets. ICMD has the lead in the
development of biometric identity services strategies and policies; supports the translation of
requirements for identity services into capability delivery; and monitors, measures, and drives
improvements in organizational/program performance.
OBIM’s responsibilities are to:

Enhance the security of our citizens and visitors
Facilitate legitimate travel and trade
Ensure the integrity of the immigration system
Protect the privacy of our visitors
This is a developmental/career ladder position. All training must be completed, and regulatory requirements
met prior to promotion. The full performance level is GS-12. Promotion to the next or full performance level is
not guaranteed and will be based solely on the incumbent’s ability to perform at the higher grade(s) as
determined by the position’s supervisor. Non-competitive promotion may occur upon meeting the following
a) Demonstration of ability to perform at the higher grade level by performing assignments of increased
b) Satisfactory completion of all required training and developmental assignments
c) Recommendation for promotion by supervisor.
The duties and factors are essentially the same as the next level position with some exceptions. The GS-09
position differs primarily in terms of the knowledge required to perform the duties, the supervisory controls
over the employee, the complexity of the assignments and the daily contacts and purpose of those contacts. At
the GS-09 level the incumbent is assigned program assignments of lesser difficulty. As the employee achieves
greater expertise in the program, the supervisor will delegate increased authority and assignments comparable
to the next grade level.
Administrative Services Work 70%
Performs administrative tasks for the OBIM Identity Capabilities Management Division, including calendars,
scheduling, task tracking, setting up teleconferences and meetings, filing, and other administrative items.
Assigns tasks using the Division’s task system of record using required templates, consolidated responses,
tracks current status and providing tasks to supervisor for approval by task deadline. Maintains the
PD# 080226
Division’s internal task tracker and briefs the status of tasks at internal meetings. Responds to tasks at the
SME-level after supervisory approval.
Assists with the Division’s internal communication efforts, including drafting material for an internal
newsletter, posting items on the SharePoint site, and drafting messages for staff. Assist with Division All
Hands and Award Ceremonies to include drafting talking points, scheduling, assisting with setup, and other
associated tasks.
Assists with Division correspondence including drafting and preparing official memorandums, white papers,
briefings, talking points, run of show, award write-ups, documenting accomplishments, and other
correspondence. Participate in specialized meetings focused on the Identity Capabilities Management
Division to capture minutes, notes and taskings such as the Quarterly Program Review (QPR), the Quarterly
Risk Management meetings.
As the Administrative Specialist, the incumbent assists the director, and staff via extensive knowledge
and understanding of the organization, its methods, funds, people, and other management tools. The
incumbent develops internal controls, administrative procedures, and provides administrative
support to a director or senior staff member by assisting in the management and coordination of the
day to day administration of the office. Compiles and prepares information and makes logistical
arrangements for meetings and conferences.
Serves as a point of contact for visitors and responds to general inquiries. Plans and arranges DHS
and/or interagency meetings sponsored by the ICMD and serves as the ICMD registration POC for
various meetings arranged jointly with other organizations/external agencies. Arrangements include
attendee accountability, locating facilities, provides visitor requests for facility access, ensures
adequate meeting spaces are available, and appropriate audio-visual systems and conference
communication devices are available and operational. Reviews/corrects meeting requests.
Identifies and assists in the resolution of logistics support issues and recommends corrective actions.
Provides staff assistance regarding supply and logistics management for ICMD. Utilizes various software
applications when preparing documents (correspondence, spread sheets, data base queries) involving
supply transactions, management reports, and logistics.
Serves as the office purchase cardholder and coordinator, ensuring procurement purchase
requirements and procedures are followed. Maintains purchase records and performs monthly
purchase statement reconciliations. Monitors, tracks, and prepares all reports, studies, special projects,
correspondence, and schedules in proper format, grammar, and typographical accuracy.
Under the supervisors’ direction, maintains Correspondence Analyst Task Tracker (CATT), and ICMD
weekly reports. Responds to routine/non-routine information requests and general inquiries; and
determines which items need forwarding to staff. Analyzes and collects data and prepares reports for
senior echelons and staff.
The incumbent independently compiles, verifies, consolidates, coordinates, organizes tasks, and
reports by retrieving information from several sources. Responsible for oversight, management,
preparation and tracking of all (CATT) entries by ICMD. Determines and monitors suspense’s,
maintains and updates office suspense tasking/tracking system, coordinates with tasking official, and
ensures timely suspense closure.
Ensures staff is aware of established time frames and milestones. Assists other staff in researching,
gathering and compiling material for briefings, talking papers, and executive summaries. Monitors and
PD# 080226
tracks funds utilization of the office budget for various supplies, equipment, services, training, travel
and related items. Monitors a staff travel data base; participates in special conferences and meetings;
maintains list of issues/problems for the supervisor’s awareness. Follows up regarding issues/problems
being addressed by subordinate offices. Maintains the supervisor’s calendar; schedules appointments
and makes travel arrangements.
Serves as official timekeeper for all assigned ICMD employees. Submits payroll and provides guidance
and assistance to employees regarding the correct procedures when creating timecards. Prepares and
publishes updates on procedures for timekeeping. Develops and controls the maintenance of various
administrative directives involving time and attendance for ICMD personnel.
Management & Program Analysis Work 30%
Conducts analyses of functions and work processes of administrative or technical programs and makes
recommendations for improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of work operations.
Conducts management surveys and portions of research projects of limited scope. Provides advisory
services on management issues that deal with readily observable program conditions of moderate scope
and impact to assess the effectiveness of program operations. Presents findings, options, and
recommendations, via briefings, process recommendations, optimizing collaboration tools such as
SharePoint, staff reports, project papers, etc.
Participates in portion of reviews of activities being considered for conversion to contract operations.
Assists in identifying a need to review a particular study area and participates in defining the program area.
Discusses relevant issues with subject matter specialists, program managers, and other technical personnel.
Participates in identifying program elements and those responsible for the work. Assists in formulating
evaluation proposals that include the goals and scope of proposed projects. Takes part in preparing
individual evaluation plans. Assists in the initial analysis of team findings. Requests data, participates in
consolidating reports, and prepares sections of a summary reports.
Performs other duties as assigned.
ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL: This position may be designated as essential personnel. Essential personnel must
be able to serve during continuity of operation events without regard to declarations of liberal leave or
government closures due to weather, protests, and acts of terrorism or lack of funding. Failure to report for
or remain in this position may result in disciplinary or adverse action in accordance with applicable laws,
rules, and regulations (5 U.S.C. § 7501-7533 and 5 CFR Part 752, as applicable).
Pre-Employment Drug Testing: This position requires a pre-employment drug test and you must have a
negative drug test result prior to appointment into the position.
OBIM’s standard competencies are established to meet the requirements for new and evolving mission
capabilities and outline what tasks/duties employees are expected to perform. Those competencies are:
Research – The ability to conduct systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.
PD# 080226
Analysis – The understanding and knowledge to provide the detailed examination of the elements or structure of
Assessment – The skill to take the analyses and issues an evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or
ability of someone or something.
Presentation – The poise and deference to deliver a paper, speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece
of work is shown and explained to an audience.
Feedback – The aptitude to receive/provide information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of
a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement
Factor 1 – Knowledge Required by the Position
Level 1-6, 950 points
Knowledge of standardized administrative principles, policies, objectives, practices, and procedures in
the organization and DHS such as administrative procedures, work processes, standard operating
procedures, and travel regulations in order to facilitate work for the department and understand the
correct course of actions.
Comprehensive knowledge of the organization’s programs, structures and activities and senior
headquarters requirements to be able to identify a course of action and solution for any questions or
concerns that come to the attention of the incumbent. Knowledge of employee time and attendance
and other payroll matters.
Ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner verbally and written to variety of people in and
outside the agency. Ability to work independently and proactively as well as the ability to multitask.
Ability to work well with others and remain professional and tactful at all times. Ability to analyze and
evaluate administrative and operational matters and determine appropriate course of action in order
to facilitate work of the directorate. Skill in oral and written communications sufficient to obtain
information, coordinate work, convey instructions and to organize thoughts clearly and logically.
Factor 2 – Supervisory Controls
Level 2-3, 275 points
The supervisor defines objectives, priorities and deadlines; and may assist the incumbent with unusual
or controversial situations. The incumbent plans and carries out the work, resolves most problems or
deviations that arise, and coordinates the work with others. Continually keeps the supervisor informed
of progress, potentially controversial matters, or far-reaching implications. Completed work is
reviewed for technical soundness and appropriateness.
Factor 3 – Guidelines
Level 3-3, 275 points
Guidelines include DHS policies, regulations, instructions, and precedents. The incumbent selects,
interprets, and applies guides, and may modify, adapt, or make compromises in existing guidelines to
meet work requirements. Uses judgment in applying and relating standard operating practices to new
or precedent-setting work situations.
Factor 4 – Complexity
Level 4-3, 150 points
Assignments are diverse and encompass a variety of administrative processes and methods requiring
frequent modifications as variables change. The decision regarding what needs to be done involves
various choices requiring the incumbent to recognize the existence of and differences between various
solutions. The work may involve identifying conditions and elements that may require refinement of
work processes. Work requires a broad working knowledge of the organizational rules, procedures,
PD# 080226
operations, or business practices to perform the routine and non-routine processing procedures.
Factor 5 – Scope and Effect
Level 5-3, 150 points
The purpose of the work is to plan and carry out specific operations, functions and procedures related
ICMD’s operations. The work product or service affects the accuracy, reliability or acceptability of
further processes or services.
Factors 6/7 – Personal Contacts & Purpose of Contacts
Level 2b, 75 points
Personal contacts are primarily with co-workers within the office, managers, and staff of programs
under review in other offices in a moderately structured setting.
The purpose of contacts is to plan, coordinate or advise on work efforts and project to resolve operating
problems. Contacts also provide or assure sufficient data and information is provided for various
programs, projects or decisions. The incumbent establishes and maintains effective liaison with
contacts throughout the DHS, USM, and other organizations needed to gather and verify various
kinds of data and information.
Factor 8 – Physical Requirements
Level 8-1, 5 points
The work is primarily sedentary. No special physical demands are required.
Factor 9 – Work Environment
Level 9-1, 5 points
The work is normally performed in an office environment.
Total Points Assigned: 1885
GS-09 Point Range: 1855-2100
Grade Conversion:
Classification: Administrative Specialist, GS-0301-09
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Determination: Nonexempt
PD# 080226
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Check List
This form is to be completed for each grade in a career ladder. Note that it is possible for different
grades within a career ladder to have different FLSA designations (for example, non-exempt at lower
grades, exempt at higher grades in the career ladder). Attach a properly completed and signed checklist
to each classified position description and statement of difference (if applicable).
A. Non-Exempt Criteria
1. Salary-based non-exemption (5 CFR 551.203)
Employee’s annual rate of basic pay is less than $23,660.
2. Non-exemption of certain employees (5 CFR 551.204)
Position is non-supervisory and engaged in equipment operation, or is a protective or
clerical occupation.
Position involves technical work properly classified below GS-09
Position is nonsupervisory in the Federal Wage System or other comparable wage system.
___X_ Developmental position where the position is not exercising the full level of discretion.
B. Exemption Criteria
1. Executive Exemption Criteria (5 CFR 551.205)
Primary duty of the position is management or supervision; work involves customarily
and regularly directing the work of other employees and involves the authority to hire
or fire other employees or makes recommendations on employment issues such as
hiring and firing that are given particular weight by higher level supervisors or managers.
2. Administrative Exemption Criteria (5 CFR 551.206)
Primary duty is performance of office or non-manual work directly related to the
management or general business functions; work involves the exercise of discretion and
independent judgment with respect to matters of significance.
3. Professional Exemption Criteria (5 CFR 551.208, 209, 210)
5 CFR 551.208 Learned Professionals: Primary duty is performance of work requiring
advanced knowledge in a field of science or learning including the traditional professions
of law, medicine, theology, accounting, actuarial computation, engineering,
architecture, teaching, pharmacy, various types of physical, chemical and biological
sciences, and other similar occupations that have a recognized professional status;
entrance into these professions requires a prolonged course of specialized intellectual
5 CFR 551.209 Creative Professionals: Primary duty is performance of work requiring
invention, imagination, originality or talent in a recognized field of artistic or creative
endeavor such as music, acting, writing, graphic arts. Exemption depends upon the
extent of invention, imagination, originality or talent of the employee; exemption does
not apply to work that can be produced by a person with general manual or intellectual
ability and training.
5 CFR 551.210 Computer Professionals: Primary duty consists of the application of
systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users to
determine hardware, software, or system functions; OR design development,
documentation, analysis, creation, testing or modification of computer systems or
programs; OR a combination of these duties. Exemption does not apply to employees
engaged in the manufacture or repair of computer hardware and related equipment, or
PD# 080226
to those whose work is highly reliant on computers but whose duties do not consist of
the aforementioned. Salary based exemption applies to any computer professional
compensated on an hourly bases at a rate of basic pay of $27.63 an hour and above.
4. Law Enforcement Activities (5 CFR 551.216)
Special exemption/excl