International Law Question


COM 200 The Key To Working Together Week 4 Assignments Group Project Plan

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Week 4 Assignment – Group Project PlanIn Progress

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Available after Jan 8, 2024 12:00amAvailable after Jan 8, 2024 12:00am



Step 1: Download the Group Project Plan Document [DOCX] Download Group Project Plan Document [DOCX].

Step 2: Complete the Group Project Plan. Be sure to answer each question thoughtfully and thoroughly. As you do so, keep the following in mind:

This is a group goal, not an individual goal. You will select your own group members using family, friends, coworkers, etc. The group should be able to accomplish this goal in two weeks during Weeks 4 and 5 of this course.
Here are some examples of goals your group may decide to work on:
Decluttering and organizing the garage in two weeks.
Cooking a new dish or elaborate meal by finding a recipe, buying ingredients, and assigning cooking tasks.
Losing 5lbs. each by following a meal plan and working out for 30 minutes every day for 2 weeks.
Cleaning up the local community park by picking up trash for 1 hour, 4 days a week, for 2 weeks.

Step 3: Upload the completed document below.

Note: This activity will prepare you for your Week 6 Assignment, where you will analyze and reflect on the collaborative process.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your communication and collaboration skills. You will do this by planning and completing a group project. This assignment will set you up for success by guiding you through the plan for your group project.

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Week 4 Assignment – Group Project Plan

Week 4 Assignment – Group Project Plan
Criteria Ratings Pts
Describe common and measurable collaborative group goal.

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25.5 to >22.95 pts


Describes common and measurable collaborative group goal.

22.95 to >20.4 pts


Identifies common and measurable collaborative group goal.

20.4 to >17.85 pts


Identifies common collaborative group goal that is not. measurable.

17.85 to >15.3 pts

Needs Improvement

Identifies an individual goal.

15.3 to >0 pts


Does not identify a goal.

/ 25.5 pts

Identify two or more group members and describes each person’s role and responsibility in the group.

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25.5 to >22.95 pts


Identifies two or more group members and describes each person’s role and responsibility in the group.

22.95 to >20.4 pts


Identifies two or more group members and each person’s role.

20.4 to >17.85 pts


Identifies two or more group members.

17.85 to >15.3 pts

Needs Improvement

Identifies only one other group member.

15.3 to >0 pts


Does not identify group members.

/ 25.5 pts

Describe a realistic plan for collaborating with group members including one/more collaborative tools.

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29.75 to >26.78 pts


Describes a realistic plan for collaborating with group members including one/more potential collaborative tools.

26.78 to >23.8 pts


Describes a realistic plan for collaborating with group members.

23.8 to >20.83 pts


Describes a partial plan for collaborating with group members.

20.83 to >17.85 pts

Needs Improvement

Describes a vague plan for collaborating with group members.

17.85 to >0 pts


Does not describe a plan for collaborating with group members.

/ 29.75 pts

The submission was clean, clear, and easy to read.

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4.25 to >3.83 pts


Submission was clean, clear, and easy to read.

3.83 to >3.4 pts


Submission had no major spelling/grammar issues, but minor issues throughout the assignment.

3.4 to >2.97 pts


Submission had major spelling/grammar issues in 25% of the submission.

2.97 to >2.55 pts

Needs Improvement

Submission had major spelling/grammar issues in 50% of the assignment.

2.55 to >0 pts


Did not submit an assignment.

/ 4.25 pts