English Question


Nicholas Carr writes, in paragraph 9, “When we read online, she says, we tend to become ‘mere decoders of information.’ Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.” Why do you think Carr believes this could be a problem? Do you agree? Explain your answer using examples from your own experience (exemplification).Note: Carr’s essay can be found in the Week 3 assignments in McGraw Hill.Instructions:Write a 300-500 word essay response to the prompt above Address all parts of the promptStructure your essay in APA format Cite any sources in APA format and write in your own words to avoid plagiarism and adhere to the Academic Honor Code. Revise and edit for clarity and grammatical correctnessReview rubric for grading criteriaSubmit your essay as a Word doc or PDFPlease do not use AI

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