Writing Question


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Unit 1 Description:
The first two modules were primarily about acquiring and reviewing information. In this
module, you will begin to apply the things you’ve learned from Module 2: Intro to College
Reading and Writing.
The topic of this diagnostic module is questioning the role, purpose, and impact of the
internet. However, the purpose of the assignment is to assess and measure progress toward SLOs
1,2, and 5, and SPOs 1a-c, 2 a-c , 3 b, 4 a-b, and 5.
In addition to including an academic summary of David Streitfeld’s argument, which
conveys your ability to differentiate between major and minor claims, you are tasked with
creating, explaining, and validating an argument of your own.
Unit Outcomes:
In this unit, you will have an opportunity to increase and apply the following college-level skills:
read critically
 write an academic summary,
 unpack a formal argument,
 use in-class discussion and presentations as collaborative brainstorming,
 use the writing process to improve the writing product; and
 write an insightful, thesis-centered reflective essay
Unit (SPOs): After successfully completing this unit, students will be able to:
1.Read critically as demonstrated by:
 Recognizing the structures of sound reasoning.
 Differentiating major points from minor details offered as evidence.
 Identifying thesis (either stated and implied) and key supporting claims.
2.Write clearly as demonstrated by:
a.Organizing ideas to display a logical progression of thought.
b.Using concise and accurate diction when paraphrasing ideas.
c.Forming a variety of grammatically structured sentences free from major errors in mechanics,
punctuation, and spelling.
3.Use sources properly as demonstrated by smoothly integrating quotations, which provide
support for the thesis, into essays.
4.Understand and demonstrate the process leading to the writing of an essay based on a thesis.
Before writing your essay:
1. Read: CH. 3.3 in GRGSLinks to an external site., “Understanding the Writing Assignment” This will remind you how to approach getting started.
2. Read: Connie Hinton’s “So You’ve Got a Writing Assignment. Now What?” (links to
pdf)Links to an external site. – These are helpful strategies and are guaranteed to limit the
amount of stress you will feel when completing the assignment. READ IT CAREFULLY THERE WILL BE A QUIZ : Quiz: “So You’ve Got a Writing Assignment. Now What?”
3. Review: Module 2 – Intro to College Reading and Writing – Review the module to remind
you of the yourself expectations of college-level academic writing so you can address the
essay assignment appropriately.
4. Writing guidelines:
5. To contextualize your analysis, I suggest using the use the SRT (summary/response/thesis)
strategy for your introduction. This is just a suggestion.
6. Be sure to include your position and rationale in the THESIS, which should be the last
sentence of your opening paragraph.
7. To be effective, your voice, ideas, and examples should dominate the ideas offered in the
thesis and body of your essay.
8. When validating your thesis, the supporting claims should be your ideas, the supporting
statements offered as evidence should come from both “Our Semicolons, Ourselves” and
“The Impact of Writing in Everyday Life.”
9. You are required to quote from both in the essay, but also take advantage of what they offer
as inspiration during prewriting.
10. Final advice before getting started:
Your thesis is the foundation of your analysis.
Keeping this in mind will help you shape and support your thesis, AND encourage you to
stay focused on the point and purpose of your analysis.
“The Nature of Good Writing”
You should write a 5 paragraph essay with MLA format, 5+ sources.
Your introduction’s last sentence should be your THESIS Statement.
Your body paragraph should be Topic sentence+Evidence(From source)+Explain
of the evidence+Analysis.
Total of 500+ words.
Font: Your paper should be written in 12-point text. MLA requires an easy-to-read fonts like
Times New Roman. .
Line Spacing: All text in your paper should be double-spaced.
Margins: All page margins (top, bottom, left, and right) should be 1 inch. All text should be
Indentation: The first line of every paragraph should be indented 0.5 inches.
Page Numbers: Create a right-justified header 0.5 inches from the top edge of every page. This
header should include your last name, followed by a space and the page number. Your pages
should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…) and should start with the number 1 on your
title page. Most word-processing programs have the ability to automatically add the correct page
number to each page so you don’t have to do this by hand.
Use of Italics: In MLA style, you should italicize (rather than underline) the titles of books, plays,
or other standalone works. You should also italicize (rather than underline) words or phrases you
want to lend particular emphasis—though you should do this rarely.
Sentence Spacing: Include just one single space after a period before the next sentence: “Mary
went to the store. She bought some milk. Then she went home.”
The first page: Like the rest of your paper, everything on your first page, even the headers,
should be double-spaced. The following information should be left-justified in regular font at the
top of the first page (in the main part of the page, not the header):
on the first line, your first and last name
on the second line, your instructor’s name
on the third line, the name of the class
on the fourth line, the date
The title: After the header, the next double-spaced line should include the title of your paper.
This should be centered and in title case, and it should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized
(unless it includes the name of a book, in which case just the book title should be italicized).
Class Rules:
This class has a ZERO tolerance policy of AI.
Ø The AI rate should be below 1%, check from:
No argument of the AI similarity, I have already gave you the tool, check yourself before
The AI test result should be green and shows that it’s Human Language.
Ø The similarity of Turnitin.com should be below 7% from school requirement.
Ø The AI % of Turnitin.com should be below 5% from school requirement.

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