Business management


Successful change management results from integrating an outcome-oriented individual change management approach and an activity-oriented organisational change management process.Identify and discuss two things that could be done to help ensure that other users elsewhere in the organisation will adopt the change. This essay is your perception on what could be done; therefore, you require supporting arguments for your reasoning. Research and referencing are the key resources to be successful in this essay.Also, some real company examples need to be given in essay

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This is DESCRIPTION essay
Successful change management results from integrating an outcome-oriented
individual change management approach and an activity-oriented organisational
change management process.
Identify and discuss two things that could be done to help ensure that other users
elsewhere in the organisation will adopt the change. This essay is your perception on
what could be done; therefore, you require supporting arguments for your reasoning.
Research and referencing are the key resources to be successful in this essay.
Also, some real company examples need to be given in essay
Here are some knowledges need to be use in this essay
1. Making change stick:
Change is often short-lived
Two aspects of sustainability:
“stickability” – the extent to which gains achieved in a particular part of the
organisation are held and build on
“spreadability” – the extent to which the new methods and processes which led to
these gains are applied elsewhere
Bateman and David’s model of sustainability
Factors affecting sustainability:
Sustainability can be affected by
• the way the change is managed from the outset
• what change managers do to promote sustainability
1) Choosing an effective change strategy
2) Communicating an inspiring vision
3) Managing stakeholders to win support for the change
4) Rewarding new behaviours
5) Aligning related elements of the system after implementation
Promoting stickability after implementation
1) Those who initiate the change move on
• design career development and reward policies to motivate and retain key
change agents
• choose successors with similar competencies and aspirations
2) New managers want to drive their own agenda
• support where appropriate but also ensure that they are given an explicit remit to
work with and not dismantle particular changes introduced by their predecessors
3)Accountability for developments becomes diffused
• establish clear project and line management responsibilities
• ensure appropriate and visible rewards for those responsible for driving change
4)Change managers declare victory too soon
• Use early wins to encourage everybody to continue on the change
1)Powerful stakeholders work to undermine hard won gains
• Identify those who can threaten the change and develop strategies to win their
support or reduce their power
1)Knowledge and experience of new practices is lost through turnover
• Strengthen the induction and training regime for new recruits
Priorities and resources
1) New priorities divert resources and attention
• develop a time-phased change implementation strategy to provide periods of
planned stability between change projects
• Avoid the diversion of resources before initiatives are embedded
1) New ways of working are not reinforced
• Provide relevant, understandable and focused feedback that helps people
recognise how the new ways of working are making a difference
2) The issues and pressures that triggered the change are no longer visible
• Communicate in a way that keeps the issues in the forefront of staff thinking
3) Enthusiasm for change falters because of change fatigue
• Relaunching the project with new focus, themes and goals in order to avoid the
bicycle effect’ where lack of forward momentum leads to a crash.
• Selling the benefits of the change and clarifying what’s in it for them
2. Spreading change
Spreading change
• Containment is a problem which affects many organisations
• Innovative methods and processes that have been developed
and are working well in one part of an organisation remain
isolated examples of good practice
The spread of innovations is affected by at least three factors
1) Attributes of the innovation
• Advantageous when compared with existing practices
• Compatible with existing practices
• Easy to understand
• Observable in demonstration sites
• Testable
• Adaptable to fit local need
Attributes of innovations are not fixed
Managers can intervene to affect how potential users perceive
the attributes of an innovation:
• provide more information
• provide them with first-hand experience of the proposed new ways of
2) Attributes of the organisation (The organisation’s climate for implementation)
A ‘strong implementation climate’ can foster the spread of innovation by:
• ensuing employees have the skills to use the innovation
• incentivising them for innovation use and imposing sanctions for
innovation avoidance
• removing obstacles that hamper the adoption of new working practices
Improving the climate for implementation
Managers can ensure that:
• Employees have the required skills
• Incentivise for innovation use
• Remove obstacles
3) Needs and values of the potential users of the innovation (innovation-needs/values
If potential users believe that an innovation will foster the fulfilment of their
values, they will be more likely to adopt the innovation, than if they believe that
adopting it could lead to outcomes that are incompatible with their values
The effect of innovation-needs/values fit
Depending on the extent to which the innovation is perceived by potential users to
either foster or inhibit the fulfilment of their values, they will:
a) resist and not implement the innovation.
b) comply with the requirement to adopt the new ways of working in order to gain
rewards and avoid punishments.
c) internalise and enthusiastically adopt the innovation as the new way of doing
3. Edward de bono: 6 thinking hats
At least 20 references.
All referencing is to be APA 7 format
3500 words

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