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Please see attachment.Only focus on the Formal Write-Up section (page 2).I will also provide my presentation and the questions for you as a reference, consisting of the leader background, and other information. In addition, please read the grading rubric.

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Presentations will occur across three class periods, with ~12 students presenting each day.

Content you should include:
o BACKGROUND: A brief background of the leader and career
o METHODS: Why you chose to interview them, a bit about how you arranged
the interview, etc. Just give us the highlights.
o FINDINGS: This is where your analysis of the interview comes in. Share
interesting themes and an analysis of their leadership style. Make sure to share
interesting example quotes and use class topics/theories to help explain your
o REFLECTION: Share some key takeaways (i.e., how will this impact your
life/leadership style going forward).

Your presentation should be no more than 5 -7 minutes.

Please prepare slides to highlight your key talking points.

You don’t have to dress in formal business clothes. I believe in the mindset “if you look
good, you feel good”. So wear clothing you feel confident in – that may be business casual,
a full suit, or jeans a sweater. Just try not to be TOO comfy. This is a presentation after

You can bring note cards or use the “presenter notes” function on PowerPoint, but
practice enough that you know what you are saying and don’t need to read them word for

Too much text on slides is never fun.

You can share your PowerPoint with me 24 hours before your presentation if you would
like to use my computer to present. If you’d like to use your own computer, make sure to
check out the cords at the front of the classroom in ADVANCE to ensure you will be
ready to roll.

You will be graded on the thoughtfulness and cohesiveness of your slides and talking points.
You will also be graded on your overall level of professionalism, clarity of speech, and intrigue
of the presentation.
This is out of 60 points.
The write-up is an extended version of the presentation. Work on these in tandem as the
content will be similar in both.
Please include the following sections:
o A brief overview of what you will be discussing, themes from the interview,
connections to class, key takeaways, etc.
o Background information on this individual and what you knew about them as
a leader before conducting the interview, why you chose this person
o Details about how the interview was conducted, questions asked, resources
used, etc.
o This is the most important and longest section! I recommend organizing your
findings by theme. Feel free to use direct quotes from your interviewee in this
section. You will need to carefully analyze the interview to extract themes,
make connections, etc. Take a step beyond journalism to think critically about
the data you collected.
o Again, use the topics we have covered in class to explain the findings.
o Include key takeaways, practical implications, reflections on how this will
impact your own life and leadership style.
Additional things to note:
This paper should be 5-7 pages double spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins.
Please make sure to use APA citations where appropriate and include a references section at
the end. References do not count towards the page count.
Overall, please format your paper in a thoughtful manner (e.g., include a title, section headers
reasonably sized paragraphs). Any time you use direct words from your interviewee, use
quotation marks.
This is due on December 8th at midnight on Canvas and is worth 150 points. You will lose 5
points every day it is late (per my grading policy in the syllabus).
• Background & methods – 25 points
• Findings – 45 points
• Takeaways & reflection – 40 points
• Grammar, writing mechanics – 40 points
work on your end and it will almost guarantee you a better grade on this assignment.
1) Do you agree or disagree to follow what you love to do and make a living out of it?
– $20,000 per month but you hate the job vs $2,000 you love the job.
– Should I pursue what I love to do regardless of salary?
– What were your goals or dream job before being an entrepreneur as a college
fresh grad?
– What is your lifestyle, such as “day of the CEO life.”
– What got you started in this career or industry?
– Role models you look up to?
2) How did you get the initial funding in order to start the businesses?
– Funding for business mentors? Angel Investors? VC?
– How to deal with different shareholders?
– Are your businesses running by themselves? Passive income?
– Difficulties when maintaining several businesses at the same time?
3) What are your current plans for managing your liquid?
– How do you distribute the profits you made? Stocks? Housing? Funds?
– Do you think money can buy happiness?
4) Do you think Network is more important or your competency/ability?
– Methods for meeting new business people or new people in general.
– Methods for improving your competency in terms of being the elite of the
– What do you think about traveling worldwide? New business ideas could be born.
5) What is your favorite part of being an entrepreneur? What is the worst?
– Most expensive materialistic item you have purchased.
– How to spend money wisely.
– Do you encounter many difficulties and dilemmas? How did you overcome it?
– Employee management.
6) Time management
– How do you maintain or balance your relationship with your
– Three most important elements in terms of having a good relationship with your
spouse? (You might be working 18 hours a day sometimes.)
7) Future thoughts and mindset.
– Opinions on AI, many jobs will be replaced by AI in a short period of time.
– What is your “ultimate goal” although there is no such thing.
– material happiness vs spiritual happiness
– Mindsets for young college students.
– Final thoughts.
The leader that I have interviewed was Andy Tang. He is the owner of DU Entertainment (a
board game club), Ultra Gaming (an Internet Cafe), and also an investor. He is a 25 year old
who started his entrepreneurial journey two years ago while in college. He is not a
multi-millionaire nor extremely successful individual, but he is young and successful both
financially, and mentally considering he is only 25. I remember meeting him the first time when I
was buying a full set of PCs two years ago from his employee at the Internet Cafe that he
owned. We started to talk about bitcoin and crypto, that was the starting point of how we met at
the first time. Once I found out that our class needs to do a leader profile project, I put him in the
list, and ended up choosing him. I called him and illustrated the whole project, and surprisingly
he accepted it since he is very busy. Frankly, that was easier than what I thought, perhaps we
are both in our 20s, he just wanted to help me out. I invited him out to a restaurant, and we
actually conducted our interview there! Funny thing is that he was fighting for the bill after we
finished eating, that’s a very Asian thing. All jokes aside!
Digging into the interview, there are a few things that I want to share with you guys. First, treat
your employees well, but do not spoil them! What does that mean? It’s like having a boss who’s
also your buddy, but not crossing any awkward lines. He’s all about creating this cool boss at
work where everyone gets along. He is the kind of leader who treats his employees with
genuine respect, making the office feel more like a clubhouse since he is in the entertainment
type of industry. But here’s the magic – he’s not into that overly spoiled stuff. There’s a chill
atmosphere, but you still know who’s in charge. He’s got this skill for making work fun, but he’s
got the boss game strong, too, keeping everything on track. It’s like a perfect blend of teamwork
and professionalism. If an employee is not working what he expects, he will talk to him privately.
He said to me, “never ever insult someone or yell at someone in front of other people or in
public.” Because public criticism can be humiliating and detrimental to an individual’s morale.
Most likely, they hate you more than before. If he or she continues to perform poorly after talking
to them privately, you need to consider firing them. You can’t be nice all the time. It’s all about
The second interesting thing I have learned is that always motivate your employees. It’s the
completely opposite of criticism. It actually connects to our class theory as well. Do you guys
know what that is? Transformational leadership. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate
their team members to achieve beyond their expectations. They often create a vision for the
future, communicate it effectively, and encourage others to share in that vision. These leaders
are known for their charisma, enthusiasm, and ability to instill a sense of purpose and passion in
their team. Andy said, when it comes to communication, you need to be open minded and listen
to your employees, allow them to speak from their heart. It’s all about keeping things chill and
open in the workplace. Whether it’s through casual conversations, emails, or just shooting ideas
around. He said he will always listen and reply, “I like that idea.” He’s not just into the usual
top-down thing; he’s all about teamwork and everyone pitching in. So, if the employees got a
cool idea or some thoughts on making things better. Listen to them, therefore, they would be
more comfortable to share instead of being afraid to speak out and get rejected.
The last thing that I want to share is that choosing your friends and circles wisely. Maybe this is
not about leadership but it’s extremely important and crucial in order to become more
successful. He was asking me a few questions at the end of the interview. He asked “Do you
have a lot of friends?” I said “yes and no.” He goes “How many friends are you willing to share
your happiness with?” I actually thought about it for 5 or 10 seconds and I answered “One.” He
continues “you only have one friend then, remember people want you to be good but not better
than them. In addition, choosing a circle is so important. Positive and supportive friends can
inspire, motivate, and encourage you to pursue your goals and overcome challenges.

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