Analytical project


In this phase, you will get to know your data. Your report should contain the following elements.

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Analytical project
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a) Specify the name of the selected data set.

b) List all your variables in the data set.

c) Data classification by type
(i) Identify each variable as either quantitative or qualitative.

(ii) For quantitative variables, identify whether the data are discrete or continuous.

(iii) Summarize the results.

d) Data classification by level of measurement

For each variable separately, classify the data as nominal, ordinal, or interval (review Chapter 2 of the textbook by Stine and Foster)

The purpose of this business analytics project is to allow opportunities to perform data analytics on a real-world data set, explore the data, draw inferences, create a statistical model, and make predictions to make managerial decisions.
You are expected to use JMP Pro, which you will use for your homework and exams. See the syllabus on how to install JMP Pro.
The deliverable is an MS Word report that highlights the phases shown in this document. You are not required to create a PowerPoint presentation and a presentation will NOT be accepted as a substitute for the report.
Links to Google Docs and online Word documents will not be accepted.
You should use a 12-point Times New Roman font for the report.
You should NOT copy and paste the JMP outputs for your analysis into the report. Instead, you should type the relevant information from the outputs and interpret.
Each subsequent phase should be added to the same report containing previous phases. In other words, you should have one report that you will build throughout the term. Do not include different phases in different documents.
See canvas assignments for the due dates for each phase of the project.