SEC 520 Inquiry-Based Learning Presentation


Inquiry-based learning is an instructional method that promotes curiosity, exploration, and ownership of learning. It is relevant to STEM instruction because it revolves around the curiosity of students and promotes problem-solving and ownership of learning in the classroom.

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SEC 520 Inquiry-Based Learning Presentation
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Part 1: Presentation

Create an 8-10 slide digital presentation that explains inquiry-based instruction to future STEM teachers and how it can be implemented in the classroom.

Your digital presentation should include:

State standard within your content area and a learning objective that could be used for cross-disciplinary inquiry-based instruction.
Detailed description of inquiry-based learning and a rationale for STEM classroom implementation.
Example of an inquiry-based learning experience that makes use of the academic language and engages in conceptual understanding in the content area.
Two examples of digital resources that would assist in implementing real-world inquiry-based learning methods in STEM instruction to promote curiosity and exploration, and foster ownership of learning.
Title slide, reference slide, and presenter notes

My content area is middle school math. Standards – Florida BEST Math standards.

Part 2: Reflection

Along with your presentation, include a 250-500 word reflection on the importance of including inquiry-based learning as an instructional method when teaching STEM.

How are inquiry-based instructional methods well-suited to cross-disciplinary instruction in STEM content areas?
What are some benefits and challenges of implementing inquiry based instruction?
How will you implement inquiry-based learning in your future professional STEM practice?

Support your presentation and reflection with 2-4 scholarly resources.

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Inquiry-Based Learning Presentation – Rubric
Total 65 points
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory
4. Good
5. Excellent
State Standard and
Learning Objectives
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Not addressed.
State standard and learning
objective are ineffectively
aligned for cross-disciplinary
student learning.
State standard and learning
objective are minimally
aligned for cross-disciplinary
student learning.
State standard and learning
objective are clearly aligned
for cross-disciplinary student
State standard and learning
objective are creatively
aligned for cross-disciplinary
student learning.
0 points
6.73 points
7.22 points
8.48 points
9.75 points
Not addressed.
Digital presentation includes
an incomplete description of
inquiry-based learning with
irrelevant details and
rationale as to how it can be
implemented into a STEM
Digital presentation includes
an overly simplistic
description of inquiry-based
learning and broad details
and/or rationale as to how it
can be implemented into a
STEM classroom.
Digital presentation includes
an accurate description of
inquiry-based learning and
clear details and rationale as
to how it can be
implemented into a STEM
Digital presentation includes
a thorough and insightful
description of inquiry-based
learning and in-depth details
and rationale as to how it can
be implemented into a STEM
0 points
8.97 points
9.62 points
11.31 points
13 points
Not addressed.
Inquiry Based Learning
Experience and Academic
Presentation includes a poor
and irrelevant inquiry based
learning experience that
does not make use of
academic language nor does
it promote conceptual
Presentation includes an
Presentation includes a
artificial and vague inquiry
detailed and effective inquiry
based learning experience
based learning experience
that makes weak use of
that makes use of academic
academic language and/or
language and promotes
does not promote conceptual conceptual understanding.
Presentation includes a
creative and realistic inquiry
based learning experience
that makes skillful use of
academic language and
innovatively promotes
conceptual understanding.
Digital Resources Examples 0 points
6.73 points
7.22 points
8.48 points
9.75 points
Digital Resources Examples
Not addressed.
Presentation does not
include two real world digital
resource examples or
examples do not assist in
implementing inquiry based
Presentation includes overly
simplistic real world digital
resource examples or less
than two examples that
assist in implementing
inquiry-based learning to
promote curiosity and
exploration, and foster
ownership of learning.
Digital presentation includes
two detailed and suitable
real world examples that
assist in implementing
inquiry-based learning to
promote curiosity and
exploration, and foster
ownership of learning.
Digital presentation includes
two well-researched and
insightful real world
examples that assist in
implementing inquiry-based
learning to promote curiosity
and exploration, and foster
ownership of learning.
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Not addressed.
Includes a poor summary of
inquiry-based methods,
benefits and challenges of
implementing inquiry-based
instruction, and how it can
be implemented in future
professional practice.
Includes an unclear summary
of inquiry-based instruction,
the benefits and challenges
of implementing inquirybased instruction, and a
general summary as to how
this can be implemented in
future professional practice.
Reflection includes a sound
summary of inquiry-based
instruction, the benefits and
challenges of implementing
inquiry-based instruction,
and a reasonable summary
as to how this can be
implemented in future
professional practice.
Reflection includes a
substantial and compelling
summary of inquiry-based
instruction, the benefits and
challenges of implementing
inquiry-based instruction,
and a thoughtful and indepth summary as to how
this can be implemented in
future professional practice.
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Not addressed.
Sources provided do not
support the claims of the
presentation or are not
Submission includes only 1-2
sources, sources broadly
support claims, or some
sources are not credible.
Research is relevant and
supports the information
presented. All of the criteria
stated in the assignment are
Research strongly supports
the information presented.
Sources are timely,
distinctive and clearly
address all of the criteria
stated in the assignment.
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Not addressed.
The work is not neat or
organized. Work would not
be presentable for public
The overall appearance is
generally neat, with a few
minor organizational flaws.
Work would be desirable for
public dissemination.
The work is well presented.
The overall appearance is
neat and professional. Work
would be highly desirable for
public dissemination.
State Standard and Learning
Inquiry-Based Learning
Description and Rationale
Inquiry-Based Learning
Description and Rationale
Inquiry Based Learning
Experience and Academic
The overall appearance and
organization of material is
generally acceptable. Work
would be adequate for public
© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Less Than
3. Satisfactory
4. Good
5. Excellent
Mechanics of Writing
0 points
4.48 points
4.81 points
5.66 points
6.5 points
Mechanics of Writing
(includes spelling,
punctuation, grammar,
language use)
Not addressed.
Surface errors are pervasive
enough that they impede
communication of meaning.
Inappropriate word choice or
sentence construction are
Submission includes
mechanical errors, but they
do not hinder
comprehension. Effective
sentence structures are
used, as well as some
practice and content-related
Submission is largely free of
mechanical errors, although
a few are present. A variety
of effective sentence
structures and figures of
speech are used, as well as
appropriate practice and
content-related language.
Submission is virtually free of
mechanical errors. Word
choice reflects welldeveloped use of practice
and content-related
language. Sentence
structures are varied and
© 2024. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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