Management M1


What are the essential skills and knowledge needed by the contemporary manager? Guidance on the Task

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Management M1
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Your essay should cover the material in the course and refer to most (though not
necessarily) all of the key indicators of management skills covered.

You should use evidence to illustrate your understanding of the key theories covered
in the course; this can be personal or obtained from additional research.

This is an academic essay and must be written in an academic style and use the third
person tense.

When using sources to illustrate and support assertions and arguments in the text,
these must be referenced with an in-text citation and included in the reference list.

Ensure that your work is original and that you are careful not to inadvertently
plagiarise sources.

Focus on the use of credible academic sources to support the narrative of your essay.

Word Count – 2000 words +/- 10% – In-text citations and References DO NOT
count towards the overall word count.The Presentation
Produce a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes and illustrates the key arguments set out
in your individual assignment (The Academic Essay)
Guidance on the Task

There should be a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 6 slides

The style adopted should be professional and required to present a video (3-4
minutes) of you presenting the slides.

In addition to the main slides, an additional slide with the main references used in the
PowerPoint presentation should be included

Each slide can be accompanied by a MAXIMUM of 100 words of notes

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Principles of Management
UNIT TITLE: ___________________________________________________
NAME (in Full):___________________________________________________


Any Assignment submission extension request must come to Azra Fatima (Head:
Examination | Academic) [email protected] 5 days before the date of submission with
a valid reason and supported documentary evidence.

APA 7th edition referencing guidelines needs to be followed.
• Similarity between student’s work is strictly not accepted, any student found with similar
work will be graded Zero and fail for the course. However, Plagiarism is an academic
offence and will not be tolerated.
• Any revaluation request should come in 5 days of grade release. Any late request will not
be obliged.(Form and other details shall be shared based on request)
• Revaluation cannot be requested for plagiarized assignments as the assignment stands as an
academic misconduct.
• If a program participant submits the assignment late, but within 1 week after the submission
date a 20% penalty will be applied
• Re-evaluation request is NOT applicable for any failed courses provided the mark range
from 59 to 69.Any grade which is below the range is however not applicable for this request.
• Any rescheduling request can be fulfilled within one week after the actual date of the
assessment. Anylate request will not be obliged.
• Assignment once submitted to exam board is final for marking.
• Second extension cannot be provided without supporting documentary evidence.
• Program participants are strongly advised to keep a copy of their work in case the submitted
copy should go astray.
PS. Kindly note to adhere to all the above instructions. Failing to read this, ATMS will not be
responsible for any actions taken.
Total Marks / 90
Plagiarism is defined as providing material from an uncredited source, or without the
acknowledgementof the original author. For longer submissions and reports, students are required
to provide an Assignment Cover Sheet, which states that submission is their original work, and has
not been submittedfor another assignment, either in that course, or another
Plagiarism may have many forms including but not limited to:
Outright copying another author’s work without acknowledgement
Cut and paste without the correct citation and acknowledgement
Copying key words but changing the sentence structure without crediting
theoriginal source
Copying the sentence structure but changing some words without crediting
theoriginal source
Following the structure or organization of another author’s work, or order
ofpresentation of ideas
Submitting work that was created by an unacknowledged third party (i.e.,
writingservice, or another student)
Copying from published authorities without acknowledgement
Failure to correctly use quotation marks when expressing another author’s idea
Incorrect or improper use of in-text citation and referencing
Missing or incorrectly presented bibliography or reference list
Pretending ownership of another author’s ideas
Making work available to another person for copying
Falsifying results
The plagiarism tolerance for MBA is 8 %.
In cases where the plagiarism percentage exceeds the tolerance, students are given a second
chance to rework on their assignments and submit. However, if the percentage continues to
exceed the tolerance percentage the student will be awarded one grade lower than the
originalgrade achieved.
Total marks 90
Part A (75 Marks)
The Individual Assignment
Write an essay answering the following question.
What are the essential skills and knowledge needed by the contemporary manager?
Guidance on the Task

Your essay should cover the material in the course and refer to most (though not
necessarily) all of the key indicators of management skills covered.

You should use evidence to illustrate your understanding of the key theories covered
in the course; this can be personal or obtained from additional research.

This is an academic essay and must be written in an academic style and use the third
person tense.

When using sources to illustrate and support assertions and arguments in the text,
these must be referenced with an in-text citation and included in the reference list.

Ensure that your work is original and that you are careful not to inadvertently
plagiarise sources.

Focus on the use of credible academic sources to support the narrative of your essay.

Word Count – 2000 words +/- 10% – In-text citations and References DO NOT
count towards the overall word count.

The Individual Assignment – Academic Essay Structure
Part B (15 Marks)
The Presentation
Produce a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes and illustrates the key arguments set out
in your individual assignment (The Academic Essay)
Guidance on the Task

There should be a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 6 slides

The style adopted should be professional and required to present a video (3-4
minutes) of you presenting the slides.

In addition to the main slides, an additional slide with the main references used in the
PowerPoint presentation should be included

Each slide can be accompanied by a MAXIMUM of 100 words of notes
The Presentation – PowerPoint Structure

Garr Reynolds, in his book Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design
and Delivery, identifies characteristics of presentation content that create what he
calls SUCCES(s):

Simplicity – reduce information to key points and essential meanings.

Unexpectedness – pose questions, offer interesting statistics, “make the audience
aware that they have a gap in their knowledge and then fill that gap.”

Concreteness – use specific language, provide real-life examples

Credibility – use sources, facts, and statistics to back up your content; deliver
information confidently; know your information well

Emotions – engage your audience to feel something about your content

Stories – use examples and illustrations to create a “story element” to the presentation

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