NR 621 week 2 Introduction to the Education Practicum Quality Improvement Project



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NR 621 week 2 Introduction to the Education Practicum Quality Improvement Project
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My PICOT that I was approved for is: Will novice nurses(P) who undergo patient-centered fall training(I) compared to traditional fall prevention training(C) demonstrate improvement in confidence/competency in care of at risk patients(O) following training in 4 weeks(T)?

This assignment is structured to support students in identifying and describing an educational problem or issue in a nurse educator setting, as the first step in developing an Education Practicum Quality Improvement Project. Elements of your introduction are to include:

Description of the problem/issue with evidence-based research to support it,
Discussion of the impact to your learner and practicum site/organization,
A PICOT question to support the quality improvement project,
A theoretical framework appropriate to the identified educational intervention, proposed educational intervention and,
A summary.

You begin your Education Practicum Quality Improvement Project in this assignment, by identifying and describing an educational problem or issue.

The following information should be included in this part of your paper.
Description of the problem or issue
Evidence related to the problem or issue, including statistics if appropriate
Real or potential impact of the issue
Discuss the impact the identified problem or issue may have on your learner and practicum site/organization
Your PICOT question
Choose a theoretical framework to support your project – you can choose from a nursing theory, learning theory, or non-nursing theory.
You can choose from a nursing theory, learning theory, or non-nursing theory.
Briefly describe how this theory supports your project.
A description of your proposed educational intervention. What evidence-based teaching strategy will you use to address your problem or issue?
Summarize the introduction, including the purpose of the education practicum quality improvement project and what your paper will include.
The paper should be two to three pages long, plus a reference page. This is an estimate to guide you and not a strict requirement. Each identified section should be a minimum of one complete paragraph (minimum of three sentences).

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Title of Paper
Student Name
Chamberlain University – College of Nursing
NR621: Nurse Educator Concluding Graduate Experience I
Dr. Professor Name
Due Date of Assignment
Repeat Title Here
Do not use the heading “Introduction”. Begin with a brief paragraph that introduces the
topic and the purpose of the paper. All paragraphs should be well-developed paragraphs that
include at least three sentences.
Educational Issue
Describe the educational problem or issue. Add the evidence for the issue, including
statistics, when available. Include the real or potential impact of the issue on a broad scale. For
example: if your quality improvement project is addressing cardiac arrest, provide national
statistics and mortality rates. Be sure to cite at least one source for the evidence. Minimum of
one paragraph (three sentences).
Implications of the Issue
Explain the real or potential impact of the issue on your learner and practicum
organization. Include impact on the patient population in your practicum site if applicable.
Minimum of one paragraph (three sentences).
Project Question
Write out the complete and approved PICOT question here. The PICOT must include all
five required elements and be correctly formatted. Put it in context by creating a minimum of one
paragraph (three sentences).
Theoretical Framework
Select an appropriate theoretical framework and provide a detailed description of the
theory. Describe how this theory will support the project. This can be a nursing theory, learning
theory, or non-nursing theory but should align well with the project intervention. Be sure to cite
at least one source for the theoretical framework. Minimum of one paragraph (three sentences).
Educational Intervention
Describe the specific intervention proposed in the PICOT. Be sure to define what it is.
For example, define Role Play and then describe how it is used as a teaching strategy. This
section is not the place to walk through how you will implement your project. That comes later
in the paper. Describe how the evidence-based educational intervention aligns with your
theoretical framework. Describe how it aligns with your quality improvement project Minimum
of one paragraph (three sentences).
Identify the purpose of your paper here then summarize the elements of the entire paper
(not just this introductory section). Minimum of one paragraph (three sentences). For example:
“This paper includes a discussion of the problem to be addressed, a synthesis of current research
regarding the proposed intervention…”
This section should be about two to three pages long and should be written in third
person. Place your reference list in APA format at the end of this section. Continue to
incorporate citations from other sections of the paper into the reference list, moving it to the end
of the narrative and before any appendices for each paper submission. Incorporate feedback
from your instructor on the introduction in an ongoing fashion for final submission in
Synthesis of the Literature
Provide a brief introductory paragraph for this section of the paper, describing what this
section contains. Include the purpose of the literature review, how you conducted your literature
search (including key words), database(s) used, what type of articles were included in your
search (original research) and range of dates searched. Indicate your research summary table in
Appendix A. Close with a statement outlining the major themes identified.
Based on your approved list of 10 relevant and recent research articles, develop your
research summary table first. This summary table will guide the theme development described in
this section of the paper. NOTE: Research articles should be listed in the table in alphabetical
order by first author last name (similar to a reference list). The final research summary table
should be placed after the reference list as Appendix A. Refer the reader to Appendix A
somewhere in this section.
Identify major themes in your articles by examining the findings of each of the articles in
your summary table. Themes are meant to be common outcomes among research regarding the
project intervention. Look for themes that would support the intended outcome of your
individual PICOT question.
As you identify a theme, add it to this synthesis of the literature section as a subheading
(see below). Then discuss anything your articles say about that theme under the appropriate
subheading. As a rule of thumb, you are likely to have two to five themes. Each theme will likely
be discussed by more than one of your authors. Provide examples and use citations. Each of the
ten articles from the Research Summary Table must be cited in at least one of the thematic
Theme One
What do the articles on your research summary table say about this theme?
Theme Two
What do the articles on your research summary table say about this theme?
Theme Three
What do the articles on your research summary table say about this theme?
*You may add additional subheading if you have more than three themes identified*
Summary of the Literature
Summarize the themes described above. Relate the themes to your PICOT question. State
how the literature supports the outcome you expect from your project.
Note that this is not a study-by-study analysis of your articles but rather a thematic
summary of what the literature says about your proposed intervention. This section should be
three to four pages long. This section of the paper should be in third person. Incorporate
feedback from your instructor on the synthesis of literature in an ongoing fashion for final
submission in NR622.
Intervention and Evaluation Plan
Provide a brief introductory paragraph to this section of the paper. Make sure it is a welldeveloped paragraph. A well-developed paragraph should include at least three sentences.
Describe at least one long term objective for the project. Consider long term objectives
from the perspective of improved patient care or nursing practice. How will they be improved
after the successful implementation of your project? This should, in some way, be related to the
problem or issue described in the paper introduction.
Describe at least one short term objective. Consider what the participants will gain from
being a part of the project. Short term objectives are related to the educational objectives of the
project teaching plan and could be worded as what the learners will be able to know, do, or feel
after participation in the intervention.
Description of the Practicum Site and Stakeholders
Start by describing the practicum site in a short paragraph that includes the organization,
environment, and type of participants (students, practicing nurses, specialty area).Then, write a
paragraph describing all the possible stakeholders for the project. Thinking broader than the
participants such as leadership, organization, community, public.
Change Model
Review the change models described in the course lesson and select one that aligns well
with your intervention plan. Describe the change model and the reason for the selection. Provide
at least one citation to support the description of the change model. Create a table that aligns the
steps of the change model with the elements of the proposed implementation plan. This table will
be Appendix B of your paper. Refer the reader to Appendix B somewhere in this section.
Implementation Plan
Describe in a step-by-step format how the project will be implemented. Start by
describing how the participants will be recruited. For example, will you be asking for volunteers
or will the intervention be part of a regularly scheduled class or in-service. Walk through the
implementation process in such a way that the reader would be able to duplicate your process
after reading the plan.
As part of your project, you will either be delivering a lesson or making a presentation.
Part of your implementation plan will be to complete the Teaching Plan Template. Complete
this template with as much detail as possible. There should be at least four learner objectives
guiding the teaching plan. Strive for application-level objectives using Blooms Taxonomy
wording. Align the evaluation methods described in the next section with the teaching objectives
in the final column of the Teaching Plan. Place the Teaching Plan as Appendix C.
If the teaching intervention involves case studies, simulation scenarios, or role play
experiences, place these items as a separate Appendix D.
Refer the reader to Appendix C (and D, E, etc., … if supplemental intervention material)
in this section.
Evaluation Plan
Describe how you plan to evaluate the outcome of your selected intervention. The
evaluation should be based on the outcome identified in the original PICOT for the project. For
example, if the outcome expected by the intervention group is improved clinical judgement, then
an evaluation of clinical judgement should be created/selected. You must include an evaluation
plan/method of both your intervention and of the teaching/learning experience.
Place evaluation methods described in the Evaluation Plan as Appendices (knowledge)
and (Subjective and/or Satisfaction Survey).
Refer the reader to the Appendices somewhere in this section.
Do not use first-person in this part of the paper. It is recommended that the title “project
manager” be used. The terms “this student” or “this author” are awkward and unhelpful.
This section should be approximately three-four pages long. Incorporate feedback from your
instructor on this section in an ongoing fashion for final submission in NR622.
Provide a brief introductory paragraph to this section of the paper. Describe here the
sample size and demographics. Make sure you include at least three sentences.
Quantitative Results
Numeric data from evaluation tools are described here. A graph or table is required to
augment the quantitative results. Give a description of what the table contains in the text. For
example: Table 1 shows the Means and Standard Deviations for Response Rates. You may attach
the table/graph in-text or in the appendix.
Table 1
Means and Standard Deviations for Response Rates (Course Delivery Method by Evaluation Year)
Administration year
Face-to-face course
Online course
Year 1: 2012
Year 2: 2013
Year 3: 2014
Year 4: 2015
Note. Student evaluations of teaching (SETs) were administered in two modalities in Years 1 and
2: paper based for face-to-face courses and online for online courses. SETs were administered
online for all courses in Year 3.
Qualitative Results
Subjective data are described here. This can come from open-ended questions and
participant comments.
Evaluation of the Intervention
Evaluate the intervention based on the data described above. Discuss your project results
based on the original PICOT question. How do the data answer your question?
Project Limitations
Describe limitations of the project implementation and evaluation. Common limitations
related to issues of sample size and selection, time constraints, and the methods, instruments, or
techniques used to collect the evaluation data. Honestly appraise the project from these
This part of your final paper should be approximately three-four pages long.
Provide a brief introductory paragraph to this section of the paper. Make sure that it is a
well-developed paragraph. A well-developed paragraph should include at least three sentences.
Implications for Theory Development
Describe how the results of this project might affect theory development. Link the project
findings back to the theory selected and described in the paper introduction.
Implications for Further Research
Describe what further research is needed based on this project’s findings. Consider
research related to the specific issue/problem and research related to the project intervention.
Implications for Teaching and Clinical Practice
Describe how findings from this project might affect nursing education and nursing
clinical practice.
Restate the goal of this project related to the problem to be solved and the intervention.
Restate the PICOT question being addressed. Briefly summarize each section of the paper. End
with a brief summary of the project results. This section will be approximately one to two pages
Refer to the Current Edition APA Manual for how to list your references.
Incorporate articles into the reference list in alphabetical order as the paper grows. Add to your
reference list as you discuss information about your educational problem or issue (Week
2), complete your review of literature (Week 4), and develop your intervention and
evaluation plan (Week 5) and final submission in NR622.
Appendix A
Research Summary Table
Author (Date)
Limitations/Evidence Level
Appendix B
Change Model
Appendix C
Teaching Plan
Student Name:
Title of Presentation:
Target Audience:
Learning Need/Description of Audience:
Instructional Method with
rationale for selection
Topical Outline
Time Allotted)
Learning Resources/Materials
Method of Evaluation*
a. Test of knowledge:
b. Survey about the
Appendix D
(Simulation Scenarios, Role Play, Game Example, PowerPoint Slides)
This appendix is for any supplemental descriptive material for the Intervention Plan. If none is
needed. The two final appendices may be re-lettered as Appendix D and Appendix E
Appendix E (These appendices will be letter based on the above previously included
Knowledge Post Test
Appendix F
Learner Survey

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