Discussion question 3 paragraphs on greek epic


In 2-3 well-developed paragraphs discuss the topic listed below. After you have posted your discussion, respond in detail to the Discussion Topic posts of at least two other classmates.Persian cultural values as found in Shahnemah: In the Shahnameh, both choosing good and remaining loyal to the Shah are highly esteemed. Select one passage from the epic that demonstrates what happens when these values come into conflict. How is that passage significant or essential for understanding Rustem within his culture and the Shahnameh as a whole? More generally, where else have you seen conflicted heroes (perhaps other books you have read, TV shows, movies, etc)?

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Discussion question 3 paragraphs on greek epic
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The Epic of Kings
By: Hakim Abol Qasem Ferdowsi Tousi
Translated by: Helen Zimmern
05- Rostam
And when Rodabeh beheld the babe, she smiled and said: Verily he shall be called
Rostam …
06- The March into the Mazanderan
Kai Kaous seated him on the crystal throne, and the world was obedient to his will. But
Ahriman was …
07- Kai Kawous Committeth More Follies
Whilom the fancy seized upon the Shah of Iran that he would visit his empire, and look
face to face upon his …
08- Rostam and Sohrab
Give ear unto the combat of Sohrab against Rostam, though it be a tale replete with tears.
09- Saiawosh
Now after many days there was born to her a son, and he was of goodly mien, tall and
strong, and the name that was given to him was Saiawosh. And Kai Kawous …
By : Hakim Abol Qasem Ferdowsi Tousi
5 – Rostam
Now ere the son of Zal was born, Rodabeh was sore afflicted, and neither by day nor
night could she find rest. Then Zal in his trouble bethought him of the Simurgh, his nurse,
and how she had given unto him a feather that he might use it in the hour of his need.
And he cast the feather into the fire as she had commanded, and straightway a sound of
rushing wings filled the air, and the sky was darkened and the bird of God stood before
Zal. And she said unto him”O my son, wherefore art thou troubled, and why are the eyes of this lion wet with tears?”
Then he told her of his sorrow, and she bade him be of good cheer, “For verily thy nurse
who shielded thee, and reared thee when thy father cast thee out, is come yet again to
succour thee.”
And she told him how he should act, and when she had done speaking she turned her
once more towards her nest. But Zal did as she had commanded, and there was born to
him a son comely of limb. And when Rodabeh beheld the babe, she smiled and said”Verily he shall be called Rostam (which, being interpreted, meaneth delivered), for I am
delivered of my pains.”
And all the land was glad that a son was come unto Zal the hero, and the sounds of
feasting and joy were heard throughout its breadth.
Then fleet messengers brought the sweet tidings unto Sam. And they bare with them an
image of Rostam sewn of silk, whereon were traced the features of this lion’s whelp, and
a club was put into its hands, and it was mounted upon a dromedary. Now when Sam
beheld the image his heart leaped up within him. He poured mountains of gold before the
messengers, and gave thanks unto Ormuzd that he had suffered his eyes to look upon this
And when eight summers had rolled above their heads, Sam learned that Rostam was
mighty of stature and fair of mien, and his heart yearned towards him. He therefore made
ready a mighty host and passed unto Zaboulistan, that he might look upon his son. And
Rostam rode forth to meet his sire, mounted upon an elephant of war, and when he beheld
Sam he fell upon his face and craved his blessing. And Sam blessed Rostam, the son of
Then Rostam spake unto Sam and said, “O Pehliva, I rejoice in that I am sprung from
thee, for my desires are not after the feast, neither do I covet sleep or rest. My heart is
fixed upon valour, a horse do I crave and a saddle, a coat of mail and a helmet, and my
delight is in the arrow. Thine enemies will I vanquish, and may my courage be like unto
And Sam, when he had heard these words, was astonished, and blessed Rostam yet again.
And his eyes could not cease from gazing upon the face of the boy, and he lingered in the
land until a moon had run her course.
Now it befell that when yet two springs had passed, Rostam was awakened from his
slumber by a mighty roaring that shook the walls of the house, even unto the foundation,
and a cry went forth that the white elephant of the King had broken its chain in fury, and
that the housemates were in danger. And Rostam, when he learned it, sprang from his bed,
and desired of the guards that they should suffer him to pass into the court that he might
conquer the beast. But the guards barred the way from him, saying”How can we answer for it before the King if thou run into danger?”
But Rostam would not listen to their voice. He forced a passage for himself with his
mighty arms, with his strong fists he broke down the barriers of the door. And when he
was without he beheld how that all the warriors were sore afraid of the elephant, because
that he was mad with rage. And Rostam was ashamed for them in his soul, and he ran
towards the beast with a loud cry. Then the elephant, when he saw him, raised his trunk
to strike him, but Rostam beat him upon the head with his club, and smote him that he
died. And when he had done this deed, he returned unto his bed and slept until the
morning. But the news of his prowess spread throughout the house of the King and far
into the land, even unto the realms of Sam. And Zal, and all men with him, rejoiced
because a hero was arisen in Iran.
Now, while these things were passing in the house of Zal, in the land of Zaboulistan,
Minuchihr made him ready to pass from the world, for he had reached twice sixty years.
He called before him Nauder his son, and gave him wise counsels, and exhorted him that
he should ever walk in the paths of wisdom. And he bade him rest his throne upon the
strength of Sam and Zal, and the child that was sprung from their loins. Then when he
had spoken, Minuchihr closed his eyes and sighed, and there remained of him only a
memory in the world.
But Nauder forgot the counsels of his father. He vexed the land and reigned in anger, and
cruel deeds were committed in his name, so that the people rose up and cried against the
King. And men of might came unto Sam and laid before him their plaints, and the
petitions of the people, and they prayed that he would wrest the crown from the head of
Nauder, and place it upon his own. But Sam was sore grieved when he had heard these
words, and he spake, saying”Not so, for it beseemeth me not to put out my hand after the crown, for Nauder is of the
race of the Kaianides, and unto them is given majesty and might.”
Then he girt his sword about his loins, and took with him a host, and rode before the face
of the Shah. And when he was come unto him, Sam exhorted him with prayers and tears
that he would turn him from the paths of evil. And Nauder listened unto the voice of Sam
the Pehliva, and joy was abroad once more.
But the tidings spread, even into Turan, that Minuchihr the just was departed, and that the
hand of Nauder was heavy upon the land. And Poshang, who was of the race of Tur,
heard the news thereof with gladness, for he deemed that the time was ripe to remember
the vengeance that was due unto the blood of his sire. Therefore he called about him his
warriors, and bade them go forth to war against Iran, saying the time was come to avenge
his father and draw unto himself the heritage. And while his son Afrasiyab made ready
the host to fulfil the desire of his father, there spread the news that Sam the Pehliva had
been gathered unto the dust, and that Zal tarried in his house to build him a tomb. And the
news gave courage unto Afrasiyab and his men, and they made haste to gain the frontier.
But the grandson of Feridoun had learned of their coming, and he prepared him to meet
the foes of his land. Then he sent forth an army that overshadowed the earth in its
progress. But the army of Afrasiyab was great also, and it covered the ground like unto
ants and locusts. And both hosts pitched their tents in the plains of Dehstan, and made
them ready for the fight. And the horses neighed loud, and the pawing of their hoofs
shook the deep places of the earth, and the dust of their trampling uprose even unto
heaven. Then when they had put their men into array, they fell upon each other, and for
two days did they rage in fierce combat, neither did the victory lean to either side. And
the clamour and confusion were mighty, and earth and sky seemed blended into one. And
the carnage was great, and blood flowed like water, and heads fell from their trunks like
unto autumn leaves that are withered. But on the third day it came about that the upper
hand was given unto the men of Turan, and Nauder the King, and the flower of his army
with him, fell into the hands of the foe.
Then Afrasiyab cut off the head of Nauder the Shah, and sat himself down upon the
throne of light. And he proclaimed himself lord of Iran, and required of all men that they
should do him homage, and pour gifts before his face. But the people would not listen
unto his voice, and they sent messengers into Seistan, and craved counsel of the Pehliva
in their distress. And Zal, when he heard their tidings, cast aside the sorrow for Sam his
father, and girded his loins in enmity against the son of Tur. And he bade the Iranians
choose out Zew, the son of Thamasp, of the blood of Feridoun, of wisdom in speech, that
he should rule over them on the throne of the Kaianides. And the people did as Zal
Now the throne of Feridoun grew young again under the sway of Zew. With power did he
beat back the host of Turan, a covenant of peace did he wring from their hands. And it
was written that the Jihun should divide the lands, and that the power of Zal the Pehliva
should end where men take up their abode in tents. And Zew ruled rightly in the sight of
Ormuzd, and God gave unto the land the key of abundance. Yet few were the years that
he commanded with equity, and Garshasp his son reigned in his stead. But neither to him
was it given to reign long with glory, and bitter fruit sprouted yet again from the tree of
misfortune. For the throne of the Kaianides was empty, and Afrasiyab, when he learned
thereof, followed the counsels of Poshang his father, and hurried him unto the land of
Iran, that he might place himself upon the seat of power. And all the men of Iran, when
they learned thereof, were sore afraid, and they turned them once again unto the son of
Sam. And they spake unto him hard words, and heaped reproaches upon him that he had
not averted these dangers from their heads. And Zal in his heart smiled at their ingratitude
and lipwisdom, but he also sorrowed with them and with his land. And he spake, saying”I have ever done for you what was fitting and right, and all my life have I feared no
enemy save only old age. But that enemy is now upon me, therefore I charge you that ye
look unto Rostam to deliver you. Howbeit he shall be backed by the counsels of his
Then he called before him his son, who was yet of tender age, and he said unto him”O my son, thy lips still smell of milk, and thy heart should go out to pleasure. But the
days are grave, and Iran looketh unto thee in its danger. I must send thee forth to cope
with heroes.”
And Rostam answered and said, “Thou knowest, O my father, that my desires are rather
after war than pleasures. Give unto me, therefore, a steed of strength and the mace of
Sam thy father, and suffer that I go out to meet the hosts of Ahriman.”
Then Zal’s heart laughed within him when he heard these words of manhood. And he
commanded that all the flocks of horses, both from Zaboulistan and Cabul, be brought
before his son, that he might choose from their midst his steed of battle. And they were
passed in order before Rostam, and he laid upon the backs of each his hand of might to
test them if they could bear his weight of valour. And the horses shuddered as they bent
beneath his grasp, and sank upon their haunches in weakness. And thus did he do with
them all in turn, until he came unto the flocks of Cabul. Then he perceived in their midst
a mare mighty and strong, and there followed after her a colt like to its mother, with the
chest and shoulders of a lion. And in strength it seemed like an elephant, and in colour it
was as rose leaves that have been scattered upon a saffron ground. Now Rostam, when he
had tested the colt with his eyes, made a running knot in his cord and threw it about the
beast. And he caught the colt in the snare, though the mare defended it mightily. Then the
keeper of the flock came before Rostam and said”O youth puissant and tall, take not, I counsel thee, the horse of another.”
And Rostam answered him and asked, “To whom then pertaineth this steed? I see no
mark upon its flanks.”
And the keeper said, “We know not its master, but rumours are rife anent it throughout
the land, and men name it the Rakhsh of Rostam. And I warn thee, the mother will never
permit thee to ride on it. Three years has it been ready for the saddle, but none would she
suffer to mount thereon.”
Then Rostam, when he heard these words, swung himself upon the colt with a great
bound. And the mare, when she saw it, ran at him and would have pulled him down, but
when she had heard his voice she suffered it. And the rose-coloured steed bore Rostam
along the plains like unto the wind. Then when he was returned, the son of Zal spake and
said to the keeper”I pray thee, tell unto me what is the price of this dragon?”
But the keeper replied”If thou be Rostam, mount him, and retrieve the sorrows of Iran. For his price is the land
of Iran, and seated upon him thou wilt save the world.”
And Rostam rejoiced in Rakhsh (whose name, being interpreted, meaneth the lightning),
and Zal rejoiced with him, and they made them ready to stand against Afrasiyab.
Now it was in the time of roses, and the meadows smiled with verdure, when Zal led
forth his hosts against the offspring of Tur. And the standard of Kawah streamed upon the
breeze, and Mihrab marched on the left, and Gustahem marched on the right, and Zal
went in the midst of the men, but Rostam went at the head of all. And there followed after
him a number like to the sands of the sea, and the sounds of cymbals and bells made a
noise throughout the land like unto the day of judgment, when the earth shall cry unto the
dead, “Arise.” And they marched in order even unto the shores of the river Rai, and the
two armies were but some farsangs apart.
Albeit, when Afrasiyab heard that Rostam and Zal were come out against him, he was in
nowise dismayed, for he said, “The son is but a boy, and the father is old; it will not,
therefore, be hard for me to keep my power in Iran.” And he made ready his warriors
with gladness of heart.
But Zal, when he had drawn up his army in battle array, spake unto them, saying”O men valiant in fight, we are great in number, but there is wanting to us a chief, for we
are without the counsels of a Shah, and verily no labour succeedeth when the head is
lacking. But rejoice, and be not downcast in your hearts, for a Mubid hath revealed unto
me that there yet liveth one of the race of Feridoun to whom pertaineth the throne, and
that he is a youth wise and brave.”
And when he had thus spoken, he turned him to Rostam and said”I charge thee, O my son, depart in haste for the Mount Alberz, neither tarry by the way.
And wend thee unto Kai Kobad, and say unto him that his army awaiteth him, and that
the throne of the Kaianides is empty.”
And Rostam, when he had heard his father’s command, touched with his eyelashes the
ground before his feet, and straightway departed. In his hand he bare a mace of might,
and under him was Rakhsh the swift of foot. And he rode till he came within sight of the
Mount Alberz, whereon had stood the cradle of his father. Then he beheld at its foot a
house beauteous like unto that of a king. And around it was spread a garden whence came
the sounds of running waters, and trees of tall stature uprose therein, and under their
shade, by a gurgling rill, there stood a throne, and a youth, fair like to the moon, was
seated thereon. And round about him leaned knights girt with red sashes of power, and
you would have said it was a paradise for perfume and beauty.
Now when those within the garden beheld the son of Zal ride by, they came out unto him
and said”O Pehliva, it behoveth us not to let thee go farther before thou hast permitted us to greet
thee as our guest. We pray thee, therefore, descend from off thy horse and drink the cup
of friendship in our house.”
But Rostam said, “Not so, I thank you, but suffer that I may pass unto the mountain with
an errand that brooketh no delay. For the borders of Iran are encircled by the enemy, and
the throne is empty of a king. Wherefore I may not stay to taste of wine.”
Then they answered him, “If thou goest unto the mount, tell us, we pray thee, thy mission,
for unto us is it given to guard its sides.”
And Rostam replied, “I seek there a king of the seed of Feridoun, who cleansed the world
of the abominations of Zohak, a youth who reareth high his head. I pray ye, therefore, if
ye know aught of Kai Kobad, that ye give me tidings where I may find him.”
Then the youth that sat upon the throne opened his mouth and said, “Kai Kobad is known
unto me, and if thou wilt enter this garden and rejoice my soul with thy presence I will
give thee tidings concerning him.”
When Rostam heard these words he sprang from off his horse and came within the gates.
And the youth took his hand and led him unto the steps of the throne. Then he mounted it
yet again, and when he had filled a cup with wine, he pledged the guest within his gates.
Then he gave a cup unto Rostam, and questioned him wherefore he sought for Kai Kobad,
and at whose desire he was come forth to find him. And Rostam told him of the Mubids,
and how that his father had sent him with all speed to pray the young King that he would
be their Shah, and lead the host against the enemies of Iran. Then the youth, when he had
listened to an end, smiled and said”O Pehliva, behold me, for verily I am Kai Kobad of the race of Feridoun!”
And Rostam, when he had heard these words, fell on the ground before his feet, and
saluted him Shah. Then the King raised him, and commanded that the slaves should give
him yet another cup of wine, and he bore it to his lips in honour of Rostam, the son of Zal,
the son of Sam, the son of Neriman. And they gave a cup also unto Rostam, and he cried”May the Shah live for ever!”
Then instruments of music rent the air, and joy spread over all the assembly. But when
silence was fallen yet again, Kai Kobad opened his mouth and said”Hearken, O my knights, unto the dream that I had dreamed, and ye will know wherefore
I called upon you this day to stand in majesty about my throne. For in my sleep I beheld
two falcons white of wing, and they came out unto me from Iran, and in their beaks they
bare a sunny crown. And the crown they placed upon my head. And behold now is
Rostam come out unto me like to a white bird, and his father, the nursling of a bird, hath
sent him, and they have given unto me the crown of Iran.”
And Rostam, when he had heard this dream, said, “Surely thy vision was given unto thee
of God! But now, I pray thee, up and tarry no longer, for the land of Iran groaneth sore
and awaiteth thee with much travail.”
So Kai Kobad listened to the desires of Rostam, and swung him upon his steed of war;
and they rode day and night, until they came down from the hills unto the green plains
that are watered by murmuring streams. And Rostam brought the King safely through the
outposts of the enemy; and when the night was fallen, he led him within the tents of Zal,
and none knew that he was come save only the Mubids. For seven days did they hold
counsel together, and on the eighth the message of the stars was received with joy. And
Zal made ready a throne of ivory and a banquet, and the crown of Iran was placed upon
the head of the young Shah. Then the nobles came and did homage before him, and they
revelled in wine till the night was far spent. And they prayed him that he would make him
ready to lead them against the Turks. And Kai Kobad mustered the army and did as they
And soon the battle raged hot and strong many days, and deeds of valour were done on
either side; but the men of Turan could not stand against the men of Iran, neither could
the strength of Rostam be broken. For he put forth the power of a lion, and his shadow
extended for miles. And from that day men named him Tehemten (which being
interpreted, meaneth the strong-limbed), for he did deeds of prowess in the sight of men.
And Afrasiyab was discomfited, and fled before him, and his army followed after, and
their hearts were bruised and full of care.
But the Iranians, when they beheld that their foes had vanished before them, turned them
unto Kai Kobad and did homage before his throne. And Kai Kobad celebrated the victory
with much pomp, as is the manner of kings; and he placed Rostam upon his right hand
and Zal upon his left, and they feasted and made them merry with wine.
In the meantime Afrasiyab returned him unto Poshang his father, who was of the race of
Tur. And he came before him right sorrowful and spake, saying”O King, whose name is glorious, thou didst evil to provoke this war. The land which
Feridoun the great did give in ancient time unto Tur the valiant, it hath been delivered
unto thee, and the partition was just. Why, therefore, seekest thou to enlarge thy border?
Verily I say, if thou haste not to make peace with Iran, Kai Kobad will send out against
us an army from the four quarters of the earth, and they will subdue us, and by our own
act we shall make the land too narrow for us. For the world is not delivered of the race of
Irij, and the noxious poison hath not been converted into honey. For when one dieth
another taketh his place, and never do they leave the world without a master. And there is
arisen of the race of Sam a warrior called Rostam, and none can withstand him. He hath
broken the power of thine host, and the world hath not seen his like for stoutness; and
withal he is but little more than a weanling. Ponder therefore, O King, how shall it be
when he may be come to years of vigour. Surely I am a man who desireth to possess the
world, the stay of thine army, and thy refuge in danger, but before this boy my power
fadeth like unto the mists that rise above the hills.”
When the King of Turan had listened to these words, the tears of bitterness fell from his
eyes. Then he called before him a scribe and he bade him write a letter unto Kai Kobad,
the Shah. And the scribe adorned it with many colours and fair designs. And the scribe
wrote”In the name of Ormuzd, the ruler of the sun and moon, greeting and salutation unto Kai
Kobad the gracious from the meanest of his servants. Listen unto me, O valiant Shah, and
ponder the words that I shall write. May grace fall upon the soul of Feridoun, who wove
the woof of our race! Why should we any longer hold the world in confusion? That which
he fixed, surely it was right, for he parted the world with equity, and we do wrong before
him when we depart from the grooves that he hath shaped. I pray thee, therefore, let us no
longer speak of Tur and his evil acts unto Irij, for if Irij was the cause of our hates, surely
by Minuchihr hath he been avenged. Let us return, then, within the bounds that Feridoun
hath blest, and let us part the world anew, as it was parted for Tur, and Selim, and Irij.
For wherefore should we seek the land of another, since in the end each will receive in
heritage a spot no larger than his body? If then Kai Kobad will listen unto my prayer, let
the Jihun be the boundary between us, and none of my people shall behold its waters, nay,
not even in a dream, neither shall any Iranian cross its floods, save only in amity.”
And the King put his seal upon the letter and sent it unto Kai Kobad, and the messenger
bare with him rich gifts of jewels and steeds of Araby. And when Kai Kobad had read the
letter he smiled in his spirit and said”Verily not my people sought out this war but Afrasiyab, who deemed that he could wrest
unto himself the crown of Iran, and could subdue the masterless land unto his will. And
he hath but followed in the footsteps of Tur his father, for even as he robbed the throne of
Irij, so did Afrasiyab take from it Nauder the Shah. And I say to you that I need not make
peace with you because of any fear, but I will do it because war is not pleasing unto me. I
will give unto you, therefore, the farther side of the river, and it shall be a boundary
between us, and I pray that Afrasiyab may find rest within his borders.”
And Kai Kobad did according to his word. He drew up a fresh covenant between them,
and planted a new tree in the garden of power. And the messenger took the writing unto
Poshang, King of Turan, and Kai Kobad proclaimed that there was peace throughout the
Now for the space of an hundred years did Kai Kobad rule over Iran, and he administered
his realm with clemency, and the earth was quiet before him, and he gat his people great
honour, and I ask of you what king can be likened unto him? But when this time had
passed, his strength waned, and he knew that a green leaf was about to fade. So he called
before him Kai Kaous his son, and gave unto him counsels many and wise. And when he
had done speaking he bade them make ready his grave, and he exchanged the palace for
the tomb. And thus endeth the history of Kai Kobad the glorious. It behoveth us now to
speak of his son.
6 – March into Mazanderan
Kai Kawous seated him on the crystal throne, and the world was obedient to his will. But
Ahriman was angry that his power was so long broken in Iran, and he swore unto himself
that happiness should no longer smile upon the land. And he imagined guile in his black
Now it came about one day that the Shah sat in his trellised bower in the garden of roses,
drinking wine and making merry with his court. Then Ahriman, when he beheld that they
were thus forgetful of care, saw that the time served him. So he sent forth a Deev clad as
a singer, and bade him ask for audience before the Shah. And the Deev did as he was
bidden. And he came before the servants of the King, and begged for entrance into the
arbour of flowers.
“For verily,” he said- “I am a singer of sweet songs, and I come from Mazanderan, and
desire to pour my homage at the throne of my lord.”
Now when Kai Kawous learned that a singer waited without, he commanded that he
should be brought in. Then he gave him wine and permitted him to open his mouth before
him. Now the Deev, when he had done homage before the Shah, warbled unto his lyre
words of deep cunning. And he sang how that no land was like unto his own for beauty
and riches, and he inflamed the desires of the Shah after Mazanderan. And Ahriman
fanned the flame within the mind of the King, and when the Deev had ended, Kai
Kawous was become uplifted in his heart, like unto Jemshid. So he turned him unto his
warriors and said”O my friends, mighty and brave, we have abandoned ourselves unto feasting, we have
revelled in the arms of peace. But it behoveth not men to live long in this wise, lest they
grow idle and weak. And above all it behoveth not me that am a Shah, for the Shah is
called to be a hero among men, and the world should be his footstool. Now verily the
power and splendour of Jemshid was lower than mine, and my wealth surpasseth that of
Zohak and Kai Kobad. It beseemeth me therefore to be greater also than they in prowess,
and to be master of Mazanderan, which ever resisted their might. I bid you therefore
make ready for combat, and I will lead you into the land whereof this singer hath sung so
Now the nobles, when they had heard these words, grew pale with fear, for there was not
one among them who listed to combat with Deevs. But none durst open their lips in
answer, yet their hearts were full of fear and their mouths of sighs. But at last, when they
could keep silence no longer, some spake and said”Lord, we are thy servants, and that which thou biddest surely we must do.”
But among themselves they took counsel how they should act if the Shah held firm by his
desire. And they recalled how not even Jemshid in his pride had thought to conquer the
Deevs of Mazanderan, before whom the sword hath no power and wisdom no avail,
neither had Feridoun, learned in magic, or Minuchihr the mighty, ventured on this
emprise. Then they bethought them of Zal the son of Saum, and they sent forth a windfooted dromedary and a messenger. And they said unto Zal”Haste, we pray thee, neither tarry to cleanse thine head though it be covered with dust;
for Ahriman hath strown evil seed in the heart of Kai Kawous, and it ripeneth to fruit
already, and already it hath borne fruit, and Iran is threatened with danger. But we look to
thee that thou speak words of good counsel unto the Shah, and avert these sorrows from
our heads.”
Now Zal was sore distressed when he learned that a leaf on the tree of the Kaianides was
thus faded. And he said”Kai Kawous is void of knowledge, and the sun must revolve yet oft above his head
before he learneth the wisdom of the great. For unto true wisdom alone is it given to
know when to strike and when to tarry. But he is like unto a child who deemeth the world
will tremble if it but upraiseth its sword. And but for my duty unto God and unto Iran, I
would abandon him to his folly.”
Then Zal revolved in his mind this trouble even until the sun was set. But when the glory
of the world was arisen yet again, he girt his sash about his loins, and took in his hand the
mace of might and set forth unto the throne of the Shah. And he craved for audience, and
prostrated himself before the King. And when Kai Kawous permitted it, Zal opened his
mouth and spake words of wisdom. And he said”O King powerful and great, word is come unto me, even unto Seistan, of thy device. But
it seemeth unto me that mine ears have not heard aright. For Mazanderan is the abode of
Deevs, and no man can overcome their skill. Give not, therefore, unto the wind thy men
and thy treasures. Turn, I pray thee, from this scheme, neither plant in the garden of Iran
the tree of folly, whose leaves are curses and whose fruits are evil, for thus did not the
kings before thee.”
Then Kai Kawous, when he had listened, said, “I despise not thy counsel, nor do I bid
thee hold thy peace, for thou art a pillar unto Iran. But neither shall thy words divert me
from my desire, and Mazanderan shall pay tribute to my hands. For thou considerest not
how that my heart is bolder and my might more great than that of my fathers before me. I
go, therefore, and the kingdom will I leave between thy hands and those of Rostam thy
When Zal heard these words, and beheld that Kai Kawous was firm in his purpose, he
ceased from opposing. Then he bowed him unto the dust, and spake, saying”O Shah, it is thine to command, and whether it be just or unjust, thy servants serve thee
even unto death. I have spoken the words that weighed upon my heart. Three things it is
not given to do, even unto a king: to elude death, to bind up the eye of destiny, to live
without nurture. Mayst thou never repent thee of thy resolve, mayst thou never regret my
counsels in the hour of danger, may the might of the Shah shine for ever!”
And when he had ended, Zal went out of the presence of the King, and he was right
sorrowful, and the nobles mourned with him when they learned how nought had been
Then, ere the day succeeded unto the night, Kai Kawous set forth with his horsemen unto
Now when they were come within its borders, Kai Kawous commanded Gew that he
should choose forth a strong band from out their midst, and go before the city with
mighty clubs. And he bade him destroy the dwellers of the town, neither should they
spare the women nor the young, because that they too were the children of Deevs. And
Gew did as the Shah commanded. Then clubs rained down upon the people like to hail,
and the city that resembled a garden was changed into a desert, and all the inmates
thereof perished at the hands of the enemy, neither did they find any mercy in their eyes.
But when the men of Iran had ceased from killing, they sent news thereof unto the Shah,
and told him of the riches that were hidden within the palaces.
And Kai Kawous said, “Blessed be he who sang to me of the glories of this realm.”
And he marched after Gew with the rest of his host, and seven days did they never cease
from plundering, neither could they be sated with the gold and jewels that they found.
But on the eighth the tidings of their deeds pierced unto the King of Mazanderan, and his
heart was heavy with care. He therefore sent a messenger unto the mountains where
dwelt the White Deev, who was powerful and strong, and he entreated him that he would
come unto his succour, or verily the land would perish under the feet of Iran.
The White Deev, when he heard the message, uprose like to a mountain in his strength,
and he said”Let not the King of Mazanderan be troubled, for surely the hosts of Iran shall vanish at
my approach.”
Then, when